
Copy of the WHOI ds_sim repository (this one's for convenience, pull requests will come from a Bitbucket fork)

Primary LanguageC++


This package includes a set of common gazebo tools for building a simulation. Includes Xacro and Gazebo binary plugins for a number of useful sensors, some utilities, that stuff.

Vehicle-specific stuff should either live elsewhere or in the vehicle config repo.

Contents of this Package

Simulation tools for:

  • Phins
  • 300kHz RDI DVL
  • Paroscientific Digiquartz depth sensor
  • Sonardyne Avtrak 6 USBL / SMS device
  • Xeos GPS

Getting Started

This is a DS ROS package intended to be run as part of the larger DSL ROS echosystem. See the Sentry Wiki


This package requires ds_msgs and gazeboros. These (and any other) dependencies should be managed correctly in the package.xml.


You should generally be installing this as part of a rosinstall file.
If handled seperately though, simply add to a catkin workspace and build with:



We use SemVer for versioning.



  • IFREMER for their architectural support
  • Louis Whitcomb et. al. for his message definitions to look over