An Objective C library for controlling QLab using the OSC API introduced in QLab 3.
- 1
- 1
Invalid colorName
#21 opened by s0600204 - 1
Fault with class method cueTypeIsAudio
#19 opened by Daniel-Higgott - 1
Add reconnection timeout
#6 opened by zachwaugh - 1
Feature Request - Fade Levels
#15 opened by gwsounddsg - 3
Cue List name not updated
#18 opened by richardwilliamson - 0
Variable name error
#14 opened by gwsounddsg - 0
- 0
Feature request - disconnectAll
#3 opened by gwsounddsg - 0
Optional properties mandatory
#12 opened by jason-tratta - 1
QLKCue all times report 0.00000
#9 opened by jason-tratta - 2
Feature Request - reply from new cue
#4 opened by gwsounddsg - 3
ARC enabled usage
#2 opened by gwsounddsg