
This repository contains a SystemVerilog version of a RISC-V CPU Pipelined with hazard control applied. The memory is dual port so to avoid Structural Hazards. Testbanches are included to verify the design.

The hierarchy of the files is:

clock_tb: to give timing to the system.
   OTTER_Wrapper: to connect the cpu to peripherals like 7-segments display, VGA, UART, Keyboard, Board LEDs & Buttons.
     OTTER_MCU: This is the CPU of the systems. It is pipelined in 5 stages. 

Pipeline MCU:

  • Fetch stage:

        PCdatasrc      : MUX selecting the correct input to the pc
        PC             : Register that either load the value inputted from the PCdatasearch or it reset to zero.
        Instruction Memory: based on the PC value it outputs the instruction stored in that memory location.
  • Decode Stage:

        CU_DECODER_PIPE: Based on the instruction it sends out signals to register, data memory and ALU
        Register File: Stores values throughout the program run. 
                        At this stage ypu can read from the register file.
        ALU_srcA, ALU_srcB: Two MUX that based on the decoder select the correct inputs to the ALU.
        Hazard Detection Unit: Sends signals if a possible hazard is detected 
  • Execute Stage:

        Target Gemneraor: send values to the PCdatasrc for jump, branch jalr.
        Branch CondGenerator: sends signals to avoid control hazards.
        ALU            : Does selected math based on decoder signals
        Forwarding Unit: orchestrates the forwarding event when execute data hard is detected by the Hazard Detection Unit.
        ForwardA_ALU, ForwardB_ALU: signal from forwarding unit chooses whether to farward the value to the ALU
  • Memory Stage:

        Data Memory: at This stage you vsn read or write to the memory.
  • WriteBack Stage

       regWriteBack: based on the signal coming from the decoder it output a determined value to he register file.
       Register File: at this stage it is possible to write to the register file.

Pipeline CPU Design Diagram:

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