Convert images from multiple formats (jpg, png, webp, etc…) to ASCII art, written in Rust
- appppppppleUnited States
- bodyweightenergy
- ByronBerlin
- ccmywish@RubyMetric
- Currrupted
- Cycatz/dev/urandom
- D1mon
- danielforgacs
- dedeneZenjoy
- Dushistov
- Dwdeath
- ErichDonGublermozilla
- FineFindus
- Hecatoncheir
- helium18
- iftheraincomes
- JaxiiUnited States
- JohnClema@IncrementalSystems
- jsen-Slovakia
- lemon-mintSeoul
- lukechu10
- nemalex
- nmarks99Argonne National Laboratory
- ohmyhub
- outlyerNew York, NY
- paulyoung@codebase-labs
- rustbomber
- SaadiSaveAachen, Germany
- stivo85
- Tchase44Rocket Insights (part of DEPT)
- vincentserpoulSingapore
- willi-kapplerUniversity of Tübingen / Geoscience
- Yevgnen
- yuryVladimir
- YurySolovyovMinsk, Belarus
- zjp-CN