Machine Learning classifiers, data prediction and multiclass classification
This homework has the goal to understand how classifiers works in machine learning problems and to develop some classifiers to making predictions.
Two approaches are required:
A binary classifier whose detect if a function is optimized with High or Low;
A multiclass classifier whose predict the current compiler (gcc,icc,clang).
This report will show a personal approach to a Naïve Bayes classifier for opt prediction based on a train dataset (file jsonl composed by 30000 instructions); another binary method (Support Vector Machine classifier) is implemented to show comparisons and performance. Then it will be shown how to solve the compiler prediction: it was used again the SVM classifier (multiclass implementation this time) and a simple variant, the K-Nearest Neighbours classifier. After each problem we’ll focus on comparing the algorithms used.
NB: Confusion matrices are computed to visualize the performance of each experiment
Here you can find the report.pdf abot this work.
Final accuracy comparing algorithms:
@autor: Lorenzi Flavio
Scripts in python: .binary = binary naive bayes for opt prediction --> reached accuracy: 0.596 .svm = binary (linear) svm for opt prediction --> reached accuracy: 0.623 .multiclass = multiclass svm methods for compiler prediction --> reached (total) accuracy: 0.698 .knn = multiclass knn classifier for compiler prediction --> reached (total) accuracy: 0.61 .utils = file with all implemented extra methods
svm_test = testing blind dataset with binary svm
multiclass_test = testing with svm