
Code for export of FlyBase data to the Alliance LinkML-based persistent store.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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FlyBase in-house scripts export FlyBase data in Alliance LinkML-compliant JSON format. Files are uploaded to the Alliance persistent store.


Modifications this repo should be made in new "release" branches corresponding to Alliance LinkML schema release branches: e.g., v1.3.1.
These release branches should be used to spawn git releases/tags.
These scripts are intended to be run in Docker using GoCD pipelines. Files should be validated locally before uploading to the Alliance. Use the Alliance Curation API (details below) to find the latest supported LinkML version.

  • Write your code to this LinkML version.
  • Note that different objects may be have different version support as the persistent store develops.



The Alliance LinkML-based data schema is held in the agr_curation_schemas repo.


Get an OKTA account (through Chris Grove). You will need this to interact with the persistent store.


The Alliance Curation Site is the main hub. Once logged into the curation site, you'll have access to persistent store data:

  • View/update entries.
  • View file loading.
  • Get your personal Curation API Token - required for file uploads and API use. You can also access the persistent store using the Alliance Curation API.
  • You will need to log into the API with your personal Curation API Token.
  • You can find the Curation API Token under your profile (top right corner) in the Alliance Curation Site


See the Alliance A-Team Confluence Site for more info.


Use the Alliance_LinkML_Submission pipeline in the Reporting_Build pipeline group to generate, validate and upload files.
With each run, files generated are stored locally in a directory within /data/alliance/.

  • The directory name will include the LinkML version and date (MMMDD), which correspond to the LINKML_VERSION and ITERATION pipeline values.


  1. Specify pipeline-specific variables.
  • Sometimes the FB release used for LinkML submission will not be the latest release build.
  • This happens when a release build has just been sent to FB-Indiana, but the public GFF file is not yet available for that release.
  • For this reason, do not rely upon the Reporting_Build environment values (except for ALLIANCETOKEN).
  • Specify these variables at the Alliance_LinkML_Submission pipeline level.
    • SERVER - flysql machine where the reporting db is located: e.g., flysql25
    • DATABASE - the name of the db to use (with audit_chado): e.g., production_chado or fb_2022_05_reporting_audit
    • RELEASE - ensure that the release matches the db used: e.g., 2022_05.
    • ITERATION - the date MMMDD on which the pipeline is run.
    • LINKML_VERSION - the LinkML version for the data: e.g., v1.3.1.


The Alliance_LinkML_Submission pipeline automates these steps:

  1. Builds directory for data and log output in /data/alliance/ folder.
  2. Gets HarvDev docker container.
  3. Builds docker image with FB alliance-linkml-flybase and Alliance agr_curation_schemas repos (the latter for validation).
  4. Fetches data using alliance-linkml-flybase scripts from a specified branch or release tag.
  5. Validates data files using the Alliance validate_agr_schema.py against the jsonschema/allianceModel.schema file.
  6. Sends e-mail that files are ready for review (size, contents), then pauses the pipeline.
  7. Upon manual unpausing (assuming files look ok), the pipeline resumes to upload the files.



As mentioned above, the GoCD pipeline will upload files to the Alliance.
Details of how to upload files are here.

  • Your personal API Curation Token is required (available from your profile the Alliance Curation Site).
    Expect an OK message upon completion of a successful file upload.


Go to the Alliance Curation Site.

  • From the left options, choose Other Links (at the bottom), then Data Loads.
  • For each data type uploaded, there should be a Direct (LinkML) * Loads selection on the right.
  • For each data type, all files ever uploaded are listed.
  • Click on the most recent one to see if it's been loaded (it can take hours).
  • Review any errors in loading any of the data objects - may require code or data fix.
  • Note - there can be load order dependencies: e.g., make sure all alleles are loaded before loading disease annotations.
    • If you suspect that load order created problems, click on the pencil icon at the right to initiate a re-load of the file.
    • If you want to re-load a file, might be best to first check with the A-Team though.
    • There are dependencies on references too (see below).


Loading of most LinkML data is dependent on presence of FB references at the Alliance.
These references are in a separate database, the Alliance Bibliography Central (ABC), handled by the Alliance Blue Team.
The pub schema is based on the distinct agr_schemas model.
As such, FB code of pub submission is in the related alliance-flybase repo.

  • See the README for this repo for details about submission and load issues.
    Submissions to the ABC are handled by the Alliance_Pub_Export pipeline (runs as part of the Epicycle pipeline group).