brain lineage/neuroblast nomenclature
Clare72 opened this issue · 1 comments
We currently have a mixture of Hartenstein and Ito/Lee nomenclature used in labels, it would be good to standardise this.
Both sets of nomenclature are still in use in publications. Ito/Lee tends to be mainly used for secondary neurons, whereas the Hartenstein nomenclature has been used at all stages of development.
In the VNC, the NB1-1, NB1-2 etc nomenclature is used for stage neutral and primary terms, whereas lineage 0, 1, 2 etc. is used for secondary terms.
We could implement a similar scheme for brain neuroblasts, using Hartenstein nomenclature for neutral (including the neuroblasts themselves) and primary and Ito/Lee for secondary.
We could also make different synonym types to represent the different nomenclature schemes e.g.
label: 'neuroblast BLD3'
synonym: "neuroblast BLD3" EXACT HARTENSTEIN_LINEAGE [doi:10.1101/2023.06.27.546055]
synonym: "neuroblast VLPl4" EXACT ITO_LEE_LINEAGE [doi:10.1101/2023.06.27.546055]
(this will give us warnings for the duplicate_label_synonym check but might be the best way to provide both sets of nomenclature if a user does not know in advance which one will be the label).
mainly done, could do with making a lineage clone pattern (and maybe an INP pattern? - only 2 terms right now)