- 3
Consider using ValueStopWatch
#575 opened by GeertvanHorrik - 1
- 3
Local functions
#517 opened by arteny - 0
Time in Miliseconds not enough
#535 opened by Aniobodo - 4
- 2
Please update the format so it excludes this parameter when building in Release mode
#506 opened by vulovicv23 - 1
Start Method Message
#507 opened by RichardReukemaOptimus - 1
Nesting of method timers
#361 opened by GeertvanHorrik - 1
Stopwatch.StartNew() allocation
#500 opened by electricessence - 1
Usage with UnmanagedFunctionPointer
#480 opened by smarek - 5
Measure performance for overriden methods
#391 opened by eshref - 2
Inject custom destination for elapsed time.
#389 opened by eshref - 1
Support method timing of async methods
#326 opened by kataras12 - 0
Update to Fody 6
#112 opened by SimonCropp - 0
Update to Fody version 5
#94 opened by SimonCropp - 4
Expression-bodied member causes System.InvalidProgramException: JIT Compiler encountered an internal limitation.
#78 opened by Drachenkaetzchen - 0
add missing nuget metadata
#68 opened by SimonCropp - 0
- 6
Support {this} in the message
#55 opened by GeertvanHorrik - 8
get Elapsed property in Interceptor
#43 opened by alextroto - 0
Update to Fody 3.0
#42 opened by SimonCropp - 5
Fall back to debug if no trace
#40 opened by GeertvanHorrik - 0
Write to Trace instead of Debug
#39 opened by SimonCropp - 3
Convert to .NET Standard
#37 opened by GeertvanHorrik - 3
- 1
Empty async Task method no longer working
#19 opened by GeertvanHorrik - 0
- 0
Move back to try finally for method timing
#17 opened by SimonCropp - 0
Throw proper stack trace for exception
#18 opened by SimonCropp - 16
Async method that throws Exception not working
#124 opened by adrianignat13 - 4
- 5
- 3
Add support for calling local log method
#64 opened by AnderssonPeter - 5
- 2
- 0
Update to new Fody packaging
#41 opened by SimonCropp - 4
silverlight async call NullReferenceException
#35 opened by kronic - 8
Suppport Convention / Config for applying [Time]
#28 opened by ppittle - 1
- 1
Unable to obtain public key for StrongNameKeyPair
#31 opened by stlsw - 7
- 3
Not an issue, more a question
#27 opened by Tybielee - 6
Shared MethodTimeLogger interceptor class
#8 opened by TomWHall - 23
- 4
Edge case might throw ArgumentNullException (stopwatch.Stop where stopwatch is null)
#23 opened by GeertvanHorrik - 24
NullReferenceException on stopwatch
#20 opened by GeertvanHorrik - 5
- 9
- 2
Use MethodTimer with .NET Framework 3.5
#10 opened by johnson-brown - 4
Support for performance counters
#4 opened by GeertvanHorrik