- AlexDev404The University of Belize
- beoran
- bl-ue
- ByteJugglerTFG Labs
- ConorOBrien-Foxx
- ConradMearns
- deanmchris
- efiLeipzig University
- elendergNAV Brasil
- elisson-zlq3x
- formlessdao
- GhostBuilder84
- halsten
- JamesNewton
- janhohenheimInstitute of Neuroinformatics, UZH / ETH Zurich
- joseespinozaSan Juan Media, LLC
- kblicharskiUniversity of Iowa
- KoolenDasheppi
- lukestanleyUK
- martin12333
- MatthewMacomberCogitatio Consortium
- mclaughlinconnor
- me-mariosteveFrance
- mekb-turtle@TurtleLands
- mikegonta
- notJachu
- pcayuela
- Pierre-Sassoulas
- piranna@Mafalda-SFU
- PolarzzEngland
- qaziquza
- runnerpackSpringfield, MO
- sahwarBulgaria/Mr. worldwide
- sreev