Zuku Apartments is a Web application that allows users to :
- Sign in
- Make reservations for an apartment of their choice
- Displays a list of their own reservations.
Check the Back-end Repository of this project!
- Vite.js
- Redux
- React icons
- SweetAlert2
- React-confirm-alert
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
To get a local copy:
Clone the repository of the project with: `git clone https://github.com/fed1k/Zuku-apartments-frontend-.git`
# cd Zuku-apartments-frontend-
# To install packages: `npm install`
# To run the app: `npm run dev`
👤 Hemerson Foreste
GitHub: @ForHemer
Twitter: @HemersonForeste
LinkedIn: Hemerson Foreste
👤 Firdavs Allamurotov
GitHub: @fed1k
LinkedIn: Firdavs Allamurotov
Twitter: FirdavsDev
👤 Jason Mwanza
GitHub: @blessedjasonmwanza
Twitter: @mwanzabj
LinkedIn: Blessed Jason Mwanza
👤 Have Samuel Kabareebe
GitHub: @Have-Samuel
Twitter: @@samhave1
LinkedIn: Have Samuel Kabareebe
🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Original design Vespa by Murat Korkmaz on Behance
The ideas and inspiration from this project are coming from this online school of software development:
This project is MIT licensed.