
Godot with Great TypeScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Godot with Great JavaScript/TypeScript

English     中文

Quick Start

Import the plugin in a Godot project and use it like GDS:

import { Button } from "@godot/classes/button";
import { GodotClass } from "@godot/core/class_defined";
import { Label } from "@godot/classes/label";

export class ClickGype extends Button {
	#label?: Label;
	#count = 0;

	public _ready(): void {
		this.#label = this.get_node("../Label");
		this.pressed.connect(new Callable(this, this.add_count));

	public add_count() {
		this.#label!.text = (this.#count++).toString();

	public _process(delta: number): void {


Examples can be viewed in the example directory.

The source repository does not contain compiled binaries, so the addons directory needs to import the plugin itself.


  1. Godot's variant types are globally scoped and can be used without import.
  2. Godot's object classes are all in godot/classes/xxxx, such as godot/classes/node.
  3. Godot's utility functions are in the GD singleton, e.g. GD.print().

Project Plan

  1. ✅ Run a JS/TS script
  2. ✅ Add JS/TS bindings for Godot API
  3. 🟦 Implement new version of GMUI with JS/TS binding
  4. 🟨 Add editor support for JS/TS
  5. 🟦🟨✅...

Build the Project

Compiler Setup

On Linux, you can run it directly without manually configuring GCC.

On Windows, download mingw64 (posix version) and set the PATH env variable.

Build library

Windows: ./build.ps1