Foundry makes the development of Firebase Functions fast by giving you an out-of-the-box working cloud environment for your development with an access to your production data. It's a CLI tool that gives you a continuous REPL-like feedback about your Firebase Functions.
- adityas129
- ahrar01New Delhi, India
- albmin
- alixaxelPortugal
- andrejuskSoftware Engineer @github
- AnthonyFromTheVaultVault Labs
- aryaminusLakeland, Florida, USA
- azbuky
- azell
- baristaGeekWatermelon Tools
- bdaleyUniversity of Connecticut
- beemanPubKey
- chavanshashankPune
- hhold
- imjaadH
- isokosanSolingen, Germany
- jaywonder20Apollo
- JoKueblerAIRAmed
- jonnydubowsky@sensecollective, Effector Finance, Rock 'n Renew, Jonny Lives!
- krthrAmazon
- marcklingenSan Francisco
- marcolong@snowitdev
- markemer@ionic-team at @OutSystems
- mjhea0Myself
- mlejvae2b
- montanaflynn
- Myran
- naiduasn@Harness
- remorsesitaly
- rsuhendroJakarta, Indonesia
- sanbivMiServe
- SandyRogersEMBL-EBI
- shunkakinoki@LightDotSo
- tluyben
- tspoke@freres-toque
- XuriworkOn the Blockchain