
Doom RPG is an RPG Modification for the GZDoom Source Port

Primary LanguageC

- This fork is now archived. Please see link below for details. -


Fork overview

The main goal of this fork is bugfixing/stability & performance improvements. However some usability/gameplay tweaks have been made here and there. I recommend reading CHANGELOG.txt and the commits for all the changes.


Compatible source ports:

  • GZDoom v3.7.0 or higher.
  • LZDoom v3.83a or higher.
  • Delta Touch (Android) v3.1 or higher (includes the above versions or higher).

DRPG's launcher is the recommended method. Found here: https://github.com/Forevener/DRPGSEL/releases It can download the mod for you and get it launched easy!


https://github.com/Sumwunn/DoomRPG The mod itself, click "Clone or download" -> "Download ZIP", extract it, then read the wiki for help. https://github.com/Sumwunn/DoomRPG/wiki

Compatible mods

  • DoomRL Arsenal - [1.1.4] [MP-B7.3].
  • LegenDoom v2.7.
  • Colourful Hell v0.97ccc.
  • Custom version of Jimmy's Jukebox Instant Randomizer has been included which allows DRPG's map events and Outpost music to play.


I hope my fork has achieved some stability at least, I haven't had any crashes in a while so that's nice but testing for total stability isn't possible.

  • Only OpenGL renderer works properly, all others will crash in outpost, not sure why.
  • Consider all mods incompatible with DRPG unless stated otherwise.
  • Why "SE" you ask? It means "Sumwunn's Edition", it's just for differential proposes.
  • If you wish to submit a PR, please make sure your changes haven't affected the stability of DRPG itself. DRPG is very sensitive creature. Must be handled gently. Also please use the GDCC version listed in Links.txt.
  • Refer to Links.txt for all required tools for compiling.
  • I will try to keep mod compatibilty updated as fast as I can.
  • I (Sumwunn) am personally not comfortable with making any gameplay related changes (balance and stuff) so 99% of the time you will just see bugfixes from me.
  • I'm just a fan of DoomRPG and want to keep it functioning. I'm not experienced, and very much learning as I go, so feel free to offer any comments. I'm also looking at the TODO list and seeing which I can accomplish. Starting with the small tasks of course!
  • Probably forgot something.