
This Project give you useful informations about the environement where you are in real time by Using an USB GPS and some API with an Internet Connection.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This Project give you useful details about the environement where you are by Using an USB GPS and some API with an Internet Connection.

Getting Started

To get a copy of the project , you can go on the GitHub's webpage of the project and click on the green button to download as a .ZIP file. However , if you're using a prompt on a unix machine use this line :

git clone https://github.com/Franck1333/TravelKit_RPI.git


To use the project , you will need some Hardware :

A Raspberry Pi (Version 3 is better)
A USB G.P.S (Ublox-7) -->  http://amzn.eu/aG9vR3t
A Micro S.D card (8 Gb Minimum)
A screen (Diplayotron 3000 or other Displays) 

And you will also need some libraries and softwares :

- Python version 2 and 3
	- Python Libraries:
		-from urllib2 import urlopen
		-geopy (API GEOPY pip install geopy)
		-pyowm (API METEO // pip install pyowm)
    { FOR THE DOT3K in python files :
      import dot3k.lcd as lcd
      import dot3k.backlight as backlight
	- Raspian Wheezy/STRETCH or later

Now especially for the Display'O'Tron 3000 in our case :

	- The Github page : https://github.com/pimoroni/displayotron
	- The command line Setup (need to be install) : curl -sS get.pimoroni.com/displayotron | bash
	- Directory 'plugins'
	- Directory 'utils'
	- File 'dot3k.cfg'
	- Directory 'library'

Downloading/Installing - EASY WAY !!!

To get and downloaded the files , use this line :

git clone https://github.com/Franck1333/TravelKit_RPI.git
  • When the project is Downloaded , check your "pi" folder , and you will see the folder "TravelKit_RPI" When you did it , you will have to launch the file called "setup.py" to install the dependencies neccessary for the project with this command line :
  sudo python setup.py install

This commmand line must be executed anyway to install the DOT3K DISPLAY :

The Display'O'Tron Softwares and libs :

  curl -sS get.pimoroni.com/displayotron | bash

Or you can do it by yourself with those command lines :

The Weather API :

  sudo pip install pyowm

The GeoPy API :

  sudo pip install geopy


First Way to run the project :

To run the project , you can run the small script file called "Start_DOT3K_TravelKit.sh" in the folder "START" ; it's will launch the project in the background

Second Way to run the project :

To run the project ; if you want to see the console activities , you can launch the file called "Start_DOT3K_TravelKit.sh" into the Command Line Prompt with "./Start_DOT3K_TravelKit.sh"

Third Way to run the project :

To run the project ; if you want to see the console activities , you can launch the file called "Start_DOT3K_TravelKit.py" into the Command Line Prompt with "sudo python Start_DOT3K_TravelKit.py" in the folder "START"

The Fourth Way to run the project :

To run the project ; if you want the project run automatically when system start-up ; Go to launch a Prompt and type:

>>sudo nano /etc/rc.local

AND WRITE before "exit 0":
>> sleep 35  #Give time to the system to boot and get all the data necessary
>> bash /home/pi/TravelKit_RPI/START/Start_DOT3K_TravelKit.sh &

Running the tests

That's how to test features:

sudo python file.py

The Folders and Files

In this project we've got six Directories


Affichage 	: 	This folders contains files useful for Interfaces / Displays
Example 	: 	Any help or example that I used for the project
EXTRA 		: 	Some (ideas) features that maybe will be developped in the future
General 	: 	Usual features
GPS 		:	Features use the GPS USB STICK or in realtion with GPS data
START 		:	File usefull to start the Project

Files in "/TravelKit_RPI/Affichage/DOT3K"

  • In this project I used the Display'O'tron 3000 by Pimoroni
dot3k_affichage_boussole.py 		: Launch the feature "Boussole" in the folder "GPS" and display the data to Display Compass informations

dot3k_affichage_determination.py 	: Launch the feature "Recuperation_Determination" in the folder "GPS" and display the Location

dot3k_affichage_emergency_number.py 	: Launch the feature "emergency_number" in the folder "General" and display the continent's Emergencies Numbers

dot3k_affichage_meteo.py 		: Launch the feature "Meteo" in the folder "GPS" and display the Weather data

dot3k_affichage_meteo_3h.py 		: Launch the feature "Meteo_3h" in the folder "GPS" and display the Weather data with a forecast of 3 Hours

dot3k_affichage_temps_système.py 	: Launch the feature "temps" in the folder "General" and display the system time

light_blue_cyan.py 			: Put a Swagg Cyan color for the light of the Screen to be more readable

nettoyage_du_cache.py 			: Delete the Python Cache files (*.pyc)

dot3k.cfg 				: Configuration file for the DOT3K display

Files in "/TravelKit_RPI/EXTRA/"

  • Future features
assistant_audio.py 		: I would like to develop an Audio Assistant that tell the User important informations
sifflet_numerique.py 		: I would like to develop a numeric whistle that can be usefull in case of avalanche or flood to locate the user the fast as possible in this kind of cases

Files in "/TravelKit_RPI/General/"

  • Usefull and common informations
Date_Heure_Annee.py 	: Get the time with more details
emergency_number.py 	: Get the Emergencies Phones Numbers of your continents by locate using the GPSoI.py file in the "GPS" folder
temps.py 		: Get the system time basically

Files in "/TravelKit_RPI/GPS/"

  • GPS data
Boussole.py 					: Get Compass data by using the "Recuperation_Determination.py" file's data
GPSoI.py 					: Get the location of the user's IP Adress by using the *IPSTACK.COM API*
Meteo.py 					: Get the Weather's data by using *pyown API* and the "Recuperation_Determination.py" file's data
Meteo_3h.py 					: Get the Weather's data by using *pyown API* and the "Recuperation_Determination.py" file's data with a forecast of 3 Hours
Recuperation_Determination.py 			: Get information come from the GPS USB stick and determinate the location with the *GeoPy API*
Recuperation_FR_GPS.py 				: Allow to display the information come from the GPS USB stick in French

Files in "/TravelKit_RPI/START/"

  • Start FILES
Start_DOT3K_TravelKit.py : Start the whole project by using the DOT3K display
Start_DOT3K_TravelKit.sh : File use to start the "Start_DOT3K_TravelKit.py" file when the Raspberry is ON.


  • Franck ROCHAT - Initial work - Franck ROCHAT Thank You ! ❤️