
Diffusion for Motion

Human Motion

See Awesome-3d-diffusion


Some motion tools, maintained by Frank Zhiyang Dou.

A list of our research works on character animation (both kinematics-based and physics-based animation).

  • [Physically Simulated Character Animation]
    • C·ASE: Learning Conditional Adversarial Skill Embeddings for Physics-based Characters, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023. [Project Page]
  • [Kinematics-based Character Animation]
    • TLcontrol: Trajectory and Language Control for Human Motion Synthesis, Arxiv 2023. [Project Page]
    • EMDM: Efficient Motion Diffusion Model for Fast, High-Quality Human Motion Generation, Arxiv 2023. [Project Page]


Tool list


conda create -n Motion_Tool python=3.8
conda activate Motion_Tool
pip install smplx
pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 torchvision==0.14.1+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.1 --extra-index-url
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib==3.1.3
pip install scipy
pip install scikit-image
pip install chumpy
pip install numpy==1.23.1

Other links