
Simple repo for doing image regression using PyTorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple repo for doing image regression using PyTorch

Note: some visualization code was adapted from https://github.com/utkuozbulak/pytorch-cnn-visualizations [MIT License]

How to start training

  1. Put all of your data into <directory>/train/ and <directory>/test. You should have a series of images, and each image should have a corresponding .json file of the same name (with the suffix changed) where the variable you're trying to regress is in each .json file. [See example code]
  2. Choose your configuration settings in config.py. Note that some of these are available as command-line arguments (seen in util.py) for sweep purposes. There are many config options, but some initially important ones are
    • extension [string] Image suffix to search for, e.g. "jpg" or "png".
    • regression_key [string] This is the name of the field in the .json files we want to regress.
    • wandb [boolean] If True, this attempts to log into wandb.ai and record the results. If you have not set this up, set to False.
    • use_existing [string] You can choose between pre-existing pytorch CNN encoders. If None is chosen, then a simple CNN encoder (governed by the cnn_* config variables) is built.
    • output_limit [integer / float] If None is given, the output is unconstrained. If a number is given, the output is passed through a sigmoid and scaled between 0 and output_limit.
  3. Choose your augmentations (look at EXAMPLE_augmentations.json for possibilities, and point to your new/modified augmentation files in config.py
    • In order to find the mean/std for your dataset to populate the train/test augmentation files, run python loader.py --image-directory <directory>/train/
  4. Run the training code [See example code for automation options]
    • python main.py <directory>

Example Code

HERE is example code for taking image paths and .json paths, then splitting that up into train/test directories.

  • impaths input is a list of all image paths, where the .json files are assumed to be in the same directory as each image
  • directory is where you want the split images to end up
  • train_size is the fraction of the data you want to end up as train (vs. test)
  • downsample is the integer amount you want to downsample the images, if any
from PIL import Image
from shutil import copy
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

def nn_data(impaths, directory, train_size=0.8, downsample=4):
    directory.joinpath("train").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False)
    directory.joinpath("test").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False)
    train_ims, test_ims = train_test_split(impaths,
    # Resize and save
    for split, split_images in [("train", train_ims),
                                ("test", test_ims)]:
        for impath in split_images:
            new_path = directory.joinpath(split, impath.name)
            print(impath, " -> ", new_path)
            image = Image.open(impath)
            if downsample > 1:
                new_size = (image.size[0] // downsample,
                            image.size[1] // downsample)
                downsampled = image.resize(new_size, resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
            copy(impath.with_suffix(".json"), new_path.with_suffix(".json"))

    glob_str = f"*{impaths[0].suffix}"
    for split in ("train", "test"):
        subdir = directory.joinpath(split)
        number = len(sorted(subdir.glob(glob_str)))
        print(f"{number} image files in {subdir}")

HERE is example code for running a sweep of networks and augmentation files. See utils.py / load_config() for what these arguments do:

import subprocess

arguments = [
    "--use-existing mobilenet_v3_small",
    "-D 4  -W 64   -R 0.10 -A  --use-existing mobilenet_v3_small",
    "-D 6  -W 64   -R 0.14 -A  --use-existing efficientnet_b0",
augments = ["train_aug0.json", "train_aug1.json", "train_aug2.json"]

for arg in arguments:
    for aug in augments:
        # Construct the bash command
        command = [
            "-g", aug
        ] + arg.split()
        # Run the bash command and wait for it to finish
        subprocess.run(command, check=True)


Visualize your labels

In order to visualize your labels, you can run

python3 vis.py --source from_file --regression-key <key> --image-directory <directory> --output-directory <out-dir>

Based on the arguments, you can optionally create video output, as well as sorting based on .json fields [TODO].

Visualize model results

In order to visualize your model results, you can run

python3 vis.py --source from_model --regression-key <key> --image-directory <directory> --output-directory <out-dir> --wandb-run-path <run path> --wandb-keyfile wandb.json

This has the same options as the label visualization, but will also load the model given and run it on each image.