FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP library repository. +TCP files only. Submoduled into and various other repos.
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Xilinx MPSoC R5F FreeRTOS TCP application
#1207 opened by LVS-AI - 6
[Feature Request] Xilinx Zynq and Ultrascale functional differences in 4.x
#1172 opened by JohnnyOpcode - 4
[BUG] Build failure with DNS cache disabled
#1199 opened by jackwilsdon - 3
[BUG]Missing parameters and undefined macros
#1190 opened by lightning51522 - 3
- 21
[BUG] loopback is not working
#1179 opened by rickou - 0
[Feature Request] Separate RX network descriptors for TX network descriptors
#1189 opened by thirtytwobits - 7
[BUG] Buffer/Window properties for incoming connections
#1184 opened by evpopov - 6
[BUG] Missing tick overflow protection on `u.xTCP.xLastActTime` and `u.xTCP.xLastAliveTime`
#1183 opened by lzungri - 2
- 2
Compilation error because of 'xMDNS_MACAddressIPv6'
#1167 opened by htibosch - 3
[Feature Request] Support EUI-64 or similar for global unicast IPv6 addresses derived from RA
#1150 opened by ljanyst - 3
[BUG] Allocation failure in `prvCreateSectors` is silently ignored, causing unexpected packet send failures later on
#1149 opened by hlef - 29
[BUG] Freed memory is being used
#1110 opened by ATDOR-RIH - 3
[Feature Request] Timestamp support
#928 opened by go2sh - 1
[BUG] Sockets GCC array-bounds Warning
#1141 opened by HTRamsey - 6
[BUG] prvTCPReturnPacket_IPV4() dereferences pxNetworkBuffer outside its null pointer check
#1136 opened by anordal - 7
Compile error with DNS cache disabled [BUG]
#1128 opened by evpopov - 3
ipconfigCOMPATIBLE_WITH_SINGLE & ipconfigIPv4_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE are used inconsistently
#1133 opened by HTRamsey - 8
Compile problem with RP2040 and PROPERTY C_STANDARD 90
#1101 opened by wdalmut - 2
Dropping IPv6 packets with an unspecified source address
#1124 opened by evpopov - 5
GCC Compilation error
#1108 opened by antonio-fr - 4
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- 1
[Feature Request] Standard Network Interface Drivers
#1055 opened by HTRamsey - 0
[Feature Request] Network Interfaces Config
#1054 opened by HTRamsey - 2
- 4
[BUG] The endpoint with the NULL address is operated in prvTCPReturnPacket_IPV4 function
#1077 opened by XIAO-Q7 - 5
[Feature Request] Multicast Support
#962 opened by Hunter-Phipps - 7
[DOC] Please document how the synchronisation works
#1058 opened by davidchisnall - 4
[Feature Request] <add BSD sockets interface>
#1070 opened by bigtreeboy - 7
[BUG] Incorrect responses to name queries.
#1042 opened by evpopov - 2
- 0
IPv6 Multicast Support
#1047 opened by amazonKamath - 0
TSN Multi Priority Queues
#1046 opened by amazonKamath - 0
FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP IPv6 Support - V4.0.0
#1045 opened by amazonKamath - 9
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[Discussion] thread-safe network drivers
#1011 opened by evpopov - 3
TCP zero-copy TX doesn't work.
#1008 opened by evpopov - 6
[BUG] Compiler errors/warnings - always have to manually ignore when building the Kernel with Clang
#958 opened by phelter - 3
[BUG] Improper use of headers and includes.
#959 opened by phelter - 7
- 8
- 3
Unused function and unused variable warnings when ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN is disabled
#930 opened by timaydin - 4
[Feature Request] Add priority event queues
#894 opened by go2sh - 7
[BUG] Usage of uint64_t is against C90 standard
#892 opened by go2sh - 1
Errno 11 in FreeRTOS_errno_TCP.h is used twice
#888 opened by dervomsee - 5
dev/ipv6_integration pxUDPPayloadBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer() doesn't seem to handle IPv6 at all
#846 opened by evpopov