- acapari
- akanksha-sachanPittsburgh, PA, USA
- alexanderchang1
- bobbravo2@knackhq
- chrislengerichStanford CS
- djbutlerMeta
- fabiodr
- haegyungxstheprometheus
- israelgonzalezbLas Vegas
- juandrei
- Kai-Irwin
- lifan0127Apex 974 LLC
- LulzxAsia, Earth
- Mathnerd314
- matthew-mcateer5cube Labs
- metasjUnderlay network, Public AI Network
- mhaugel
- mrauha
- mysticaltechSpain
- obifarinGeorgia Institute of Technology
- paulphys@b1-systems
- petergchangCambridge, MA
- PraljakRepsPhD student at the University of Chicago
- psui3905Columbia University
- SamCox822Future House
- shauryrAllSci
- stefanbringuierIndependent Researcher
- strangemonadSan Francisco
- tomjamescnwww
- tsubasa-iino
- veezbo@ImbellusBetta
- xueeinstein
- yhr91Arc Institute
- ysymythPrinceton University