
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

G1ANT.Robot Documentation

Welcome to the open source documentation of G1ANT.Robot. Please review this README file to understand how you can assist in contributing to the G1ANT.Robot documentation.

Getting Started

Contributing to open source is more than just providing updates, it's also letting us know when there is an issue. You can submit issues with the standard Issues tab on GitHub.


Contributing to the documentation requires a GitHub account and some Markdown knowledge.


Folders are treated as sections of the Manual: chapters, sub-chapters and so on. If a section needs an introductory page, e.g. with its contents description, a DESCRIPTION.md file containing such text should be placed in that section’s folder. For example, the opening page for Auxiliary Windows section in G1ANT.Robot Window chapter is in this description file located in auxiliary-windows folder.

We use headers in Markdown files to allow navigation in the final Manual structure.

All media objects (pictures, videos and so on) should be placed in -assets folder, and links to them in .md files should be relative, for example ../-assets/picture.jpg.

Folders and files with the “-” prefix are skipped by our sync tool, which gathers together Markdown files from Manual, Tutorials and Addon repositories and creates content to be displayed on G1ANT.Manual website.


Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


Please refer to LICENSE file for all Licensing information.