
A vscode extension to make it lovely.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


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Add a lovely background-image to your vscode.

GitHub: https://github.com/shalldie/vscode-background

Vscode Market: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=shalldie.background

Notice 提示

http 协议的外链图片在当前版本不能使用(vscode 限制),需要用 https 协议开头的外链地址。

You should use protocol https instead of http to the image,which is not support by vscode now.

Cross all themes, cross most os! 已支持所有主题,大部分操作系统(window,os x,linux)!

It looks like:

Warns 警告:


This extension works by editting the vscode's css file.

在vscode 1.6.1 的时候,出现了这个提示。你可以先点击【不再显示】.

At vscode ver 1.6.1 ,a information appears while opening vscode.
U can click the last button(never show again) to avoid it.
This Extension is edit the vscode's file to make it work,which is not recommended now.

Q&A 常见问题:

Q:How to use it?

A:After installing the extension,the default images will be added to background.U can config it in settings.json.
A:安装插件之后,默认图片就会被添加到背景中。settings.json 里面有很多都是可以配置的。

新特性:"background.style":{} ,可以在里面添加自己的样式,包括 【"opacity":0.6】

Q:It seems that nothing happens after installing the extension?

A:Make sure to have the administrator authority!!

Q:How to get the administrator authority?
Q:怎么获取管理员权限呢? =。=

A:In windows,click right button on the vscode's icon,then check the [run with the administrator authority].

In ubuntu:shalldie#6.

Q:How to uninstall the extension?

A:Set the config  {"background.enabled": false}  in settings.json,then uninstall the plugin.
A:在 settings.json 中设置 {"background.enabled": false} ,然后再删除插件。如果直接删除插件会有遗留,就需要重装vscode了。

Q:Where is the settings.json?
Q:【settings.json】 这个文件在哪里?

A: 【文件(F)】-【首选项(P)】-【设置(S)】

Press F1,and you can get it by enter ext install background in your vscode. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

你可以在vscode中,按下F1,然后输入 ext install background 来下载她 (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
