
Missing file "data/surveys/tls_PoN3.xml"

Candreas opened this issue · 4 comments


can you please provide the file tls_PoN3.xml ?

ERROR: Failed to open or parse XML file: data/surveys/tls_PoN3.xml


It seems to be (if I interpret your error message correctly) that my survey xml file was set as default (it is a bug because if I even send you the xml file the tree model will still missing). So my suggestion is to modify the path to the demo survey xml file where the tree model is available within the GitHub repository:

java -jar helios.jar data/surveys/demo/tls_arbaro_demo.xml

Hi @Candreas, about the new errors:

  1. Style guide errors: They should be addressed in the future but it should work regardless.
  2. No JMonkey configuration screen: It was disabled by default in the old FWF fork. To enable it:
    In visualization/, function init(), set setShowSettings() to true.
  3. No point cloud: The tree in the demo survey is out of the sensor's range. To correct this:
    In arbaro_demo.xml use for the translation value="0;15;0" instead of value="25;15;0"

Have you tried using the batch mode?

I just applied those fixes in the new feature branch. To try the new branch:

git clone -b feature/intensity
cd helios
mvn package
java -jar target/helios-0.0.1.jar data/surveys/demo/tls_arbaro_demo.xml 

More improvements will be done in this branch so stay tunne. Don't hesitate to report bugs/feedback.