
set scannerWaveLength

dongdada896 opened this issue · 6 comments

I followed your instruction in helios/ to set the scannerWaveLength[ns] as 0.000005 in order to make Scanner's operating wavelength become 1550nm. But the console displays that the wavelength is still 1064nm.I don’t know why.
Appreciate your help sincerely.

I have the same question. I've tried editing the survey and scanner xml file but the console still shows 1064nm. Any help would be greatly appreciated?

Hi! I am not sure about this setting, but you can add it to the instrument specification in the scanner-xml (TLS or ALS). See for example here:

I set up according to your instruction and it worked. But there will be a little problem, if you set wavelength_nm = "1550", the console will display Wavelength: 1549nm.
All in all, thank you very much for your help.

@kathapand Thank you for your prompt response. I'd settle for the glitch also mentioned by @dongdada896

Hi! It could be this is a rounding issue, looks like a bug that should be checked. Thanks for documenting the observation!
I tried to contact (both/either) of you directly, but cannot obtain contact information. Maybe you could send me a short email (, then I can write to you. It is an honest inquiry and info on HELIOS, but of course no problem if you prefer not to!

closed as wont-fix (1 nm difference is probably insignificant and may just be a display issue)