CodeXL is a comprehensive tool suite that enables developers to harness the benefits of CPUs, GPUs and APUs.
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no Teapot
#233 opened by pg1948olfi - 3
Need help in gpu memory part analysis with CodeXL
#230 opened by Sungwoo-Ahn - 1
Profiling with performance counters crashes program
#231 opened by nfogh - 0
Cannot attach to JVM application
#232 opened by skalarproduktraum - 8
Crash when double clicked the icon of CodeXL
#225 opened by unanan - 8
CodeXL for non-AMD GPU
#226 opened - 1
Interpreting CodeXL profiles : Total Map time(ms)
#227 opened by Sungwoo-Ahn - 2
Error opening CodeXL 2.6 on Windows
#228 opened by jwwalker - 2
CodeXL crashes on NVidia GTX 970
#214 opened by mean-ui-thread - 1
- 0
Crash when leaving teapot example
#218 opened by jeff29t - 3
Visual Studio Code extension
#224 opened by MathiasMagnus - 2
- 1
CodeXL freezes when pausing debug on Teapot Demo
#212 opened by edubart - 0
Ver. 2.6.361.0: CodeXL problem with teapot demo
#262 opened by DGASUK - 0
- 0
Ver. 2.6.361.0: Crash when starting teapot demo
#259 opened by SleepingSoul - 0
doc: list supported/tested devices
#260 opened by yxliang01 - 1
Unable to gather profile data: Perf Counters
#261 opened by rNoz - 0
how to attach code XL to running program ?
#255 opened by gfanini - 2
how to debug a OpenCL wrapped in a DLL ?
#256 opened by zlucode - 1
no devices available when profiling
#257 opened by LosevMikhail - 0
passes required
#250 opened - 0
CodeXL analyze options
#251 opened by karloballa - 0
OpenCL Debugging Non-Functional/Removed
#252 opened by johngladp - 0
- 7
Strange crashes in CodeXL
#245 opened by karloballa - 1
New version with Radeon VII(gfx906) support?
#246 opened by andru-kun - 0
CodeXL Teapot with Radeon RX580
#247 opened by ReedAlan - 0
Missing menu bar running on Ubuntu
#248 opened by flattrack - 4
- 1
GUI: fix dialog contrast for dark color schemes
#241 opened by evilmav - 15
- 0
- 3
CodeXL crashes when opening profiling trace
#236 opened by sudden6 - 1
issues in teapot
#237 opened by sidtharthpalanisami - 0
- 0
CodeXL crashes when starting teapot example
#235 opened by fwgreuter - 0
How do I debug OpenCL now?
#234 opened by arakan94 - 2
- 6
- 4
Unable to gather profile data, but timeline works - HSA_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES
#239 opened by JMadgwick - 2
- 9
CodeXL crashes at GPU profiling run
#213 opened by fesc2000 - 5
Cannot find vega gpu in ubuntu 16.04.1
#209 opened by ce1adon - 1
deb installer doesn't work on ubuntu 18.04LTS
#215 opened by mean-ui-thread - 1
CodeXL depends on libpng12-0, which is no longer available in Ubuntu 18.04LTS
#217 opened by mean-ui-thread - 3
General question about debugging
#220 opened by SailingDreams - 1
Cannot attach to process.
#208 opened by mayaknife - 4
OpenCL Kernel Analyzer fails
#210 opened by robinchrist