
Alpha-Protein: Protein Contact-map Prediction Boosted by Attention

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Alpha-Protein: Protein Contact-map Prediction Boosted by Attention

This is the official repository of "Alpha-Protein: Protein Contact-map Prediction Boosted by Attention". [Papers]


In this work, we reviewed the previous protein contact-map prediction models and applied the several attention mechanisms into the classic protein contact-map prediction networks ResPRE. The combination has reached a relatively great results, which improve both short-term and long-term prediction by approximately 6%. After all,


In the repository, we implement the following classic models:

  • DeepCov [1];
  • ResPRE [2];

as well as our proposed models

  • Cbam-ResPRE based on Cbam attention mechanism [3] and ResPRE model;
  • SE-ResPRE based on squeeze-and-excitation attention mechanism [4] and ResPRE model;
  • Halo-ResPRE based on Halo block attention mechanism [5] and ResPRE model;
  • NL-ResPRE based on non-local attention mechanism [6] and ResPRE model.

We also provides models for ablation studies, namely FC-Res-PRE, Cbam-FC-ResPRE and SE-FC-ResPRE, which are based on ResPRE, Cbam-ResPRE and SE-ResPRE respectively except only changing the kernel size of the final convolution block to 1x1 according to the idea of FCN [7]. A dilated residual network named DilatedResnet34 [8] is also provided for ablation studies in order to see whether the dilation [10] process may improve the performances.


Execute the following commands to install the required packages.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

Download our provided dataset feature.zip and label.zip from Google Drive, and unzip them into the data directory. After that, execute the following commands to divide them into training set, validation set and testing set.

python utils/preprocessing.py

You can also download the prepared dataset from Baidu Netdisk (Extract Code: fcjv), which does not need the previous preparation process.

Our dataset provides the precision matrix (PRE) of size L * L * 441, and ground-truth labels of L * L * 10. Notice that our dataset is a 10-class classification task, rather than the traditional binary classification task in protein contact-map prediction. Specifically, our dataset divide the distance into ten categories, namely 0-4Å, 4-6Å, 6-8Å, ..., 18-20Å, >20Å, instead of the traditional two categories 0-8Å and >8Å. Therefore, our datasets are a more challenging task.

You can also prepare your own datasets, see docs/data_preparation.md for details.

Pretrained Models

You can download full pretrained models from Google Drive or Baidu Netdisk (Extract Code: jl6n). After downloading the each pretrained models, put it under the checkpoint folder (if the folder does not exist, then create it by yourself). Then, you can directly use it for testing or fine-tuning. Please see docs/pretrained_models.md for details.


This repository provides totally 10 models, namely

  • DeepCov model;
  • ResPRE model;
  • Cbam-ResPRE model;
  • SE-ResPRE model;
  • Halo-ResPRE model, where the Halo block refers to the implementation of lucidrains [9];
  • NL-ResPRE model;
  • FC-ResPRE model used for ablation studies;
  • Cbam-FC-ResPRE model used for ablation studies;
  • SE-FC-ResPRE model used for ablation studies;
  • Dilated-Resnet34 model used for ablation studies.

Please see docs/models.md for details.


Before training, fine-tuning or testing of the models, please set up your own configurations correctly. Please see docs/configurations.md for details.

Training (Optional)

Execute the following command to begin training.

python train.py --cfg [Config File] 

where [Config File] is config/default.yaml by default, which points to a sample network (SampleNet). The optional --clean_cache will automatically clean the caches after every epochs to save the GPU memory.

If you want to select a model from all checkpoints (the training results after each epoch) , please execute the following command.

python selector.py --cfg [Config File] 
                   --path [File Saving Path] 

which will automatically test all the checkpoints on the validation set and save the result into a csv file in [File Saving Path] named test_[Network Name].csv, which includes the accuracy and scores of every checkpoint of the model. Then you can choose the model based on the testing result.


Execute the following command to test the saved model.

python test.py --cfg [Config File] 

where [Config File] is config/default.yaml by default, which points to a sample network (SampleNet). The optional --clean_cache will automatically clean the caches after every epochs to save the GPU memory. Notice that the testing model should have a name of checkpoint_[Network Name].tar in checkpoint folder, where [Network Name] is the network name specified in the configuration file.


For inference, put the features in the data/inference/feature folder with the format of .npy.gz, then execute the following commands to perform inference based on the saved model.

python inference.py --cfg [Config File] 

where [Config File] is config/default.yaml by default, which points to a sample network (SampleNet). The optional --clean_cache will automatically clean the caches after every epochs to save the GPU memory. Notice that the testing model should have a name of checkpoint_[Network Name].tar in checkpoint folder, where [Network Name] is the network name specified in the configuration file.

Notice that the inference will take a L * L * 441 precision matrix (feature) as input and output a L * L * 10 prediction contact-map after softmax layer.


We evaluate both the short-term metrics and the long-term metrics, including top-L, top-L/2, top-L/5 and top-L/10. And we define a score based on these metrics, which has the folloing form:

score = (3 * ST1 + 2 * ST2 + 5 * ST5 + ST10) + 2 * (3 * LT1 + 2 * LT2 + 5 * LT5 + LT10)

where ST10, ST5, ST2 and ST1 are the short-term top-L/10, top-L/5, top-L/2, top-L metrics respectively, and LT10, LT5, LT2 and LT1 are the long-term top-L/10, top-L/5, top-L/2, top-L metrics respectively.

Here is the table of the performance of all models except NL-ResPRE due to memory reason, based on our provided dataset and our provided pretrained models. We use the notations introduced above to simplify the table.

Models ST10 ST5 ST2 ST1 LT10 LT5 LT2 LT1 Score
DeepCov (baseline) 0.6947 0.6763 0.6282 0.5747 0.4672 0.4453 0.4057 0.3710 16.29
ResPRE (baseline) 0.6841 0.6731 0.6258 0.5670 0.4687 0.4499 0.4013 0.3577 16.19
FC-ResPRE (ours) 0.6999 0.6808 0.6331 0.5783 0.4990 0.4665 0.4147 0.3747 16.68
Dilated-Resnet34 (ablation study) 0.6572 0.6366 0.5934 0.5472 0.4674 0.4424 0.4060 0.3731 15.89
Cbam-ResPRE (ours) 0.6749 0.6552 0.6198 0.5793 0.4973 0.4714 0.4284 0.3878 16.68
Cbam-FC-ResPRE (ours) 0.7534 0.7269 0.6639 0.5942 0.4848 0.4576 0.4144 0.3775 16.97
SE-ResPRE (ours) 0.7094 0.6819 0.6303 0.5793 0.4934 0.4676 0.4304 0.3938 16.86
SE-FC-ResPRE (ours) 0.7120 0.6928 0.6426 0.5839 0.5040 0.4741 0.4329 0.3939 17.06
Halo-ResPRE (ours) 0.7590 0.7336 0.6680 0.5922 0.5054 0.4750 0.4250 0.3797 17.28


If you found our work useful, please cite the following items.

  author =       {Hongjie Fang, Zhanda Zhu, Peishen Yan and Hao Yin},
  title =        {Alpha Protein: Protein Contact-map Prediction Boosted by Attention},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/Galaxies99/alpha-protein}},
  year =         {2021}


  1. Jones, David T., and Shaun M. Kandathil. "High precision in protein contact prediction using fully convolutional neural networks and minimal sequence features." Bioinformatics 34.19 (2018): 3308-3315.

  2. Li, Yang, et al. "ResPRE: high-accuracy protein contact prediction by coupling precision matrix with deep residual neural networks." Bioinformatics 35.22 (2019): 4647-4655.

  3. Woo, Sanghyun, et al. "Cbam: Convolutional block attention module." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV). 2018.

  4. Hu, Jie, Li Shen, and Gang Sun. "Squeeze-and-excitation networks." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2018.

  5. Vaswani, Ashish, et al. "Scaling local self-attention for parameter efficient visual backbones." arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.12731 (2021).

  6. Wang, Xiaolong, et al. "Non-local neural networks." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2018.

  7. Long, Jonathan, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell. "Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2015.

  8. Jiayan Xu. "Protein Contact Map Prediction Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network." master thesis of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2019).

  9. lucidrains/halonet-pytorch, Github repository: https://github.com/lucidrains/halonet-pytorch

  10. Yu, Fisher, and Vladlen Koltun. "Multi-scale context aggregation by dilated convolutions." arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.07122 (2015).