This repository provides the implementation of an Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) in Carla. We use this AEBS implementation to test the results of the paper "Real time Out of distribution detection in Learning-Enabled Cyber Physical Systems" by Feiyang Cai published in ICCPS'20. This code can be best utilized keeping in mind the following architecture for the AEBS system:
The output from the camera sensor can be used to estimate the distance from the leading car as shown in the architecture. This computed distance can then be input to a learned controller (using the DDPG) algorithm which outputs an appropriate braking signal to control the vehicle velocity.
The scenario that we have implemented in this repo is shown below: We have two actors in the scene (two cars shown in white and red). The car in red is stationary in the scene while the car in white accelerates towards the red car. The objective is that the white car must satisfy the following bounded liveness property:
The white car must stop at a distance of 1-3m from the red car.
To setup install pipenv using pip install pipenv
and run the command
pipenv install
to setup all the dependencies :)
To collect the data from the simulator using the command (in GUI mode):
python --collect-path /path/where/to/store/images --num-episodes 80 --mode in --gui
To collect the data in a non-gui mode remove the --gui flag
To train the Perception LEC on the data collected above use the command:
python /path/to/collected/data/ /checkpoint/save/path \
--batch-size 64\
--random-state 0\
--lr 0.01\
--optim SGD\
--epochs 100
To train the VAE on the generated data use the command:
python train-vae /path/to/collected/data/ /checkpoint/save/path \
--batch-size 64\
--random-state 0\
--code-size 1024\
--lr 0.01\
--optim SGD\
--epochs 100
To train the RL agent using the DDPG algorithm, use the following command (With a GUI. To not use the gui remove the --gui flag):
python --save-path /rlagent/chkpt/save/path/ \
--num-episodes 1000 \
--agent-chkpt-path /chkpt/to/load
/paths/from \
To compute the calibration scores and save run the method compute_calibration_scores
provided in utils/ Running this method would generate a numpy file
at the save_path
provided to this method!. This can then be used to
run the AEBS scenario in an end-to-end fashion
To train the RL agent using the DDPG algorithm, use the following command (With a GUI. To not use the gui remove the --gui flag):
python --save-path /rlagent/chkpt/save/path/ \
--num-episodes 1 \
--agent-chkpt-path /path/to/load/rlagent/chkpt/ \
--perception-chkpt-path /path/to/trained/perception/chkpt \
--vae-chkpt-path /path/to/trained/vae/path/ \
--calibration-scores /path/to/precomputed/calibration/scores \
--gui --testing --generate-plots
Kushagra Pandey @kpandey008