Exploits the Wii U's bluetooth stack to gain IOSU kernel access via bluetooth
- 1
- 0
Issues getting this to work on Linux Mint
#12 opened by MontyMole98 - 0
Simple Pairing mode: Disabled
#11 opened by kestraly - 1
Would you consider to add a payload?
#10 opened by nhldp - 3
Rolling address
#9 opened by Invictaz - 2
32 bit executable
#8 opened by Invictaz - 6
Android version
#2 opened by lividhen - 5
- 7
Doesn't pairs on Raspberry Pi 3 B
#4 opened by Boxiogral - 3
failed to set up Bluetooth device
#3 opened by lividhen - 1
Porting to Switch
#1 opened by Hallowizer