Exploits the Wii U's bluetooth stack to gain IOSU kernel access via bluetooth
- AntiPhotonz
- Archor-btw::1
- BluewizardNet
- Complexiconmolpe Softwareentwicklung GmbH
- CrafterPikadon't have one
- DevnolGreece
- eigenformthe great link
- Erisa@Tailscale
- FlameBeam
- florusdernomus
- fly51flyPRIS
- Francesco-75
- Fullmetal5
- Fuwn@gemrest
- gitlimesTurin, Italy
- gMagnus87Argentina
- grimson73grimware
- ihaveamac
- InternalLoss@insignia-live
- ItzSwirlz@ubuntucinnamon
- KoolenDasheppi
- mariomadproductions
- Maschell
- pedro-javierfSpain
- pistasjisNone
- pwsincd
- requeijaumSalvador, BA - Brazil
- rnconrad
- rw-r-r-0644Italy
- sami155
- SayaTheShoggoth
- SeekyCt
- ShadowDoggoPoland
- sjuutAmsterdam
- ThatsJustCheesyOntario, Canada
- TSCLinz