
[RAL'24] Official code repo for "GMPC: Geometric Model Predictive Control for Wheeled Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking"

Primary LanguagePython


This is the official code repository of "GMPC: Geometric Model Predictive Control for Wheeled Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking", which is accepted by RAL'24.

GMPC leverages the geometric properties of the kinematic model to design a model predictive controller for wheeled mobile robot trajectory tracking. The controller explores the relationship between Lie group and Lie algebra, and formulates the tracking problem as a convex optimization problem on the Lie algebra. The proposed controller is validated on both simulation and real-world experiments, and is shown to outperform existing methods in terms of tracking smoothness and computational efficiency.

preprint, code

If you find this work useful, please consider citing our paper:

      title={GMPC: Geometric Model Predictive Control for Wheeled Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking}, 
      author={Jiawei Tang and Shuang Wu and Bo Lan and Yahui Dong and Yuqiang Jin and Guangjian Tian and Wen-An Zhang and Ling Shi},


We develop our GMPC controller based on the manif and CasADi libraries. The simulator is implemented in PyBullet. All components of GMPC and simulator are Python-based and ROS-free.

For physical experiments, they are conducted on Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic.


  1. PyBullet
  2. manif
  3. CasADi
  4. numpy
  5. matplotlib


  1. clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Garyandtang/GMPC-Tracking-Control.git
cd GMPC-Tracking-Control
  1. (optional) create a virtual environment
conda create -n gmpc python=3.11
conda activate gmpc
  1. install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. install the manif library:
conda install -c conda-forge manifpy
  1. Run the following command to test the GMPC controller in the simulation environment:
python problems/unicycle_traj_tracking/main_single_tracking_task.py


GMPC Reference NMPC

Physical Experiments

We also provide the code for physical experiments in the problems/unicycle_traj_tracking folder. To run the physical experiments, please follow the instructions of ScoutMini and Turtlebot3.


We would like to thank the authors of the following repositories for their excellent work:

  1. safe-control-gym
  2. manif