improve structure of application
Curiouspaul1 opened this issue · 2 comments
Curiouspaul1 commented
Hi!, really nice work you have here. I suggest you work to improve the structure of the application, you can try using classes and helper methods to get things more organized, that'll reduce the number of files you need, and keep everything organized and easy to understand.
Also, it seems like the requirements.txt file has some unneeded dependencies in it, whoever made it must have unknowingly added them to it. For example the requirements file specifies Django as a dependency and i don't see any reference to django in your code base. You should look into that as well.
Curiouspaul1 commented
I would be willing to work on all these issues mentioned if you can assign it to me
GauravSingh9356 commented
@Curiouspaul1 go ahead dude