
Numba accelerated implementation of Gillespie's algorithm for simulating stochastic processes

Primary LanguagePython


Numba accelerated implementation of Gillespie's algorithm for simulating stochastic processes. This implementation was inspired by the following project.

This implementation can be up to 10 times faster but it is less user-friendly.


Within gillespie.py, gillespie_direct() is the actual implementation of Gillespie's algorithm. The remaining of the code is an example of its usage on the SIR model as explained on this wikipedia page.

To adapt this code to your situation, the following must be changed: data, stoichiometry and propensity()


Here is the result of 100 simulations on a population of 480 susceptible people and 20 infected. This result was achieved in 2.5 seconds. Results on a larger population can be achieved in a reasonnable amount of time but it requires a certain amount of RAM and you might need to subsamble the data fed to matplotlib.


Exact stochastic simulation of coupled chemical reactions : https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/j100540a008

Modéliser la propagation d’une épidémie : http://www.math.ens.fr/enseignement/telecharger_fichier.php?fichier=1693