Elixir Training Lesson template

For instruction on how to use the template, please follow this documentation: https://elixir-europe-training.github.io/ELIXIR-TrP-LessonTemplateInstructions-MkDocs/

Any issues? Contact Geert van Geest (@GeertvanGeest)

If working locally

This website is generated with MkDocs, with the theme Material.

To host it locally, install MkDocs:

pip install mkdocs

and Material with some plugins:

pip install mkdocs-material
pip install mkdocs-video
pip install mkdocs-bibtex 
pip install neoteroi-mkdocs

Clone this repository to your local computer. Then, make the repository your current directory and type:

mkdocs serve

To host it locally.

Check it out with your browser at http://localhost:8000/.