
Experiment with creating a 2D softbody in C# for Monogame. Adapted from Maciej Matyka's paper, "How to Implement Pressure Soft Body Model" - http://panoramx.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~maq/eng/index.php

Primary LanguageC#


REQUIRES THE MONOGAME FRAMEWORK TO RUN - Download and instructions found at https://www.monogame.net/

Experiment with creating a 2D softbody in C# for Monogame. Adapted from Maciej Matyka's paper, "How to Implement Pressure Soft Body Model" - http://panoramx.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~maq/eng/index.php.

In order to see the simulation, Open "2DMonogameSoftBody.sln using VisualStudio and hit Play. To adjust the parameters of the soft body, change the values inside the SoftBody constructor of the Initialize method in "SoftBodyGame.cs". Extremely high values may cause the softbody to react violently.