
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Getting Started

Download links:

SSH clone URL: git@ssh.code.roche.com:spex/backend.git

HTTPS clone URL: https://code.roche.com/spex/backend.git

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  1. Make symbolic links in of all microservices from ../microservices to ./microservices
  2. copy ./microservices/.env.common to ./microservices/.env.common.local and specify correct values for OMERO_HOST and OMERO_WEB
  3. copy .env to .env.local and specify correct values for variables
  4. Set needed path in environment variable HOST_DATA_STORAGE
  5. $ export HOST_DATA_STORAGE=<path> && docker-compose up -d --build


  1. Memcached

$ docker run --name spex_memcached -p 11211:11211 -d memcached memcached -m 64

  1. Redis
$ cd ./microservices/redis  
$ docker build --pull --rm -t spex_redisjson .
$ docker run -p 6379:6379 --name spex_redisjson -d spex_redisjson
$ cd ../..
  1. ArangoDB

$ docker run -p 8529:8529 -e ARANGO_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass --name spex_arangodb -d arangodb:3.7.7

will set user/password

user: root
pass: pass
  1. Copy .env.development to .env.development.local

  2. Set the following variables:



  1. Run server
$ pip install pipenv 
$ pipenv install --system --deploy --ignore-pipfile
$ pipenv shell
$ pip install itsdangerous==2.0.1
$ export MODE=development
$ python ./app.py
  1. for start all microservices

copy ./microservices/.env.common to ./microservices/.env.common.local and specify correct values for OMERO_HOST and OMERO_WEB
$ docker-compose -f ./microservices/docker-compose.yml --project-directory ./microservices up -d --build


Add links to external resources for this project, such as CI server, bug tracker, etc.