Ascertained Sequentially Markovian Coalescent

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

    █████╗   ███████╗  ███╗   ███╗   ██████╗
   ██╔══██╗  ██╔════╝  ████╗ ████║  ██╔════╝
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   ██╔══██║  ╚════██║  ██║╚██╔╝██║  ██║     
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   ╚═╝  ╚═╝  ╚══════╝  ╚═╝     ╚═╝   ╚═════╝

The Ascertained Sequentially Markovian Coalescent is a method to efficiently estimate pairwise coalescence time along the genome. It can be run using SNP array or whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data.

This repository contains the code and example files for the ASMC program. A user manual can be found here, data and annotations from the paper can be found here.

ASMC is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3). For any questions or comments on ASMC, please contact Pier Palamara using <lastname>@stats.ox.ac.uk.

If you use this software, please cite:

  • P. Palamara, J. Terhorst, Y. Song, A. Price. High-throughput inference of pairwise coalescence times identifies signals of selection and enriched disease heritability. Nature Genetics, 2018.