
Sample code for ldsc analyses in UKBB

Primary LanguagePython

UKBB ldsc scripts

Scripts used for running LD score regression (LDSC) to estimate SNP-heritability in UK Biobank. See the UK Biobank GWAS announcement, the hertiabilility analysis post and the results site.

These scripts are mostly intended for documentation purposes, and may take some work to get running or adapt to other applications. All of the scripts described below are in the ./scripts/ folder. You can also find the code used to generate the results site in the ./site/ folder.

Table of Contents

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Broadly, the core scripts here depend on:

See the respective scripts for more info.

Setup (create_hm3_keytable.py)

Creates a Hail keytable (docs) of HapMap3 SNPs passing QC in UKBB that can be used for LD score regression. This takes the place of the filtering normally performed in munge_sumstats.py (see code from ldsc). Variants in the resulting list are:

  • Sites in HapMap release 3, version 3
  • Autosomal, biallelic SNPs
  • Present in UKBB, based on matching chr:pos:ref:alt
  • Passing basic QC in the UKBB GWAS sample, including restricting the HRC sites (see UKBB_Hail)
  • Additionally passing LDSC QC thresholds of: INFO > 0.9, MAF > 0.01

The resulting keytable is stored at gs://ukbb_association/ldsc/ld_ref_panel/hm3.r3.hg19.auto_bi_af.ukbb_gwas_qcpos.kt and has the following schema:


The two variant encodings managing the differences in contig labels between the HM3 VCF and UKBB (i.e. leading "chr", leading 0 on chrosomes 1-9).

Generated reference files

In addition to the final keytable of HM3 variants passing QC to use for LDSC, serveral interim files are generated that may be of more general interest:

  • Cloud copy of the HapMap3 sites VCF
HapMap3 vcf (from ftp.broadinstitute.org/bundle/hg19/):
  • HapMap3 sites file in VDS format
HapMap3 full vds: 
  • Keytable of autosomal, biallelic HapMap3 SNPs, including allele frequencies by population
HapMap3 autosomal, biallelic SNPs with freqs keytable:
  • Keytable of HapMap3 SNPs passing QC in the full UKBB data (i.e. not filtered to unrelated, European ancestry, etc)
HapMap3 SNPs passing UKBB full cohort QC:

Munged sumstats files

This final QC+ keytable (hm3.r3.hg19.auto_bi_af.ukbb_gwas_qcpos.kt) is then used the generate ldsc sumstats files (format described here) as part of the GWAS output from UKBB. In the few instances where rsids for the same chr:pos:ref:alt differ between HM3 and UKBB, the output sumstats files use the rsid reported by UKBB.

These files are presently stored in:


Running ldsc (ldsc_h2*_parallel_batch.py)

These script run ldsc to estimate SNP-heritability for a batch of phenotypes using MTAG. We use the version of ldsc provided with MTAG to take advantage of it's interface for calling ldsc from within python rather than via the command line.

The script ldsc_h2_parallel_batch.py runs univariate LD score regression with the standard default eur_w_ld_chr pre-computed European population LD scores. Results are parsed into a gzipped tsv with columns:

phenotype, mean_chi2, lambdaGC, intercept intercept_se, intercept_z, intercept_p, ratio, ratio_se, h2_observed, h2_observed_se, h2_liability, h2_liability_se, h2_z, h2_p

The script ldsc_h2part_parallel_batch.py similarly runs partitioned LD score regression, using the baselineLD_v1.1 set of precomputed LD scores from 1000 Genomes Phase 3 European populations available (here)[https://data.broadinstitute.org/alkesgroup/LDSCORE/] and described by (Gazal et al. (2017))[http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ng.3954.html]. The full set of results for the annotations (e.g. corresponding to the --print-coefficients output file) are converted to a flat row of results per phenotype.

Conversion to liability-scale h2 for dichotomous traits is done assuming that the population prevelence is equal to the prevelence in the UKBB GWAS sample.

Implementation Note

This is almost certainly not the ideal way to strcture this analysis. Making a human manage the splitting/batching here somewhat defeats the purpose of having flexible cloud compute. We're conly doing it this way currently for expediency while we investigate better long-term alternatives.

With the current settings in the submission script running univariate h2 for ~1500 traits takes a little over 10 node hours (~160 CPU hours) split over 10 minimal n1-highcpu-16 VMs, each running 8 traits in parallel at a time. Paritioned heritbaility is slower, taking just under 20 hours on 10 n1-standard-16 VMs running 6 traits at a time for the same traits. Attempts to scale this up to more traits on a machine (with 32- or 64-core VMs) have seen poor performance, likely due to being I/O bound for reading reference and sumstat files.


Using this script involves both setting job information in the script and passing arguments for parallelization via the command line. The following setting are set by editing the the python script (ldsc_h2_parallel_batch.py or ldsc_h2part_parallel_batch.py):

ld_ref_panel = '/home/mtag/mtag-master/ld_ref_panel/eur_w_ld_chr/' # local path
phen_summary = 'gs://ukbb-gwas-results/ukb1859/ukb1859_phenosummary_final.tsv' # in cloud
num_phens = 1564
ss_bucket = 'gs://ukbb-gwas-results/ldsc' # 'gs://ukbb_association/ldsc/sumstats' # bucket with sumstats.gz files
out_bucket = 'gs://ukbb-gwas-results/ldsc_results' # ouput google bucket location
num_proc = 8 # number of processes to run

From the command line, this script expects:

  • --parsplit INT, the number of parallel batches to split phenotypes into
  • --paridx INT, the index of the current batch amoung the parsplit batches

It's assumed that there are num_phens phenotypes in the phen_summary file and they they all have ldsc sumstats results files in the specified bucket. The mapping between the phenotypes names and the filenames for the sumstats files is hardcoded in the script (see ss_name, currently around line 176).

Within an instance of ldsc_h2_parallel_batch.py, it will estimate h2 for num_proc phenotypes at a time in parallel, and continue running until it's share of the num_phens phenotypes is finished.

Submission script (ldsc_h2*_parallel_batch_submit.sh)


This is a simple bash script to loop job submission of ldsc_h2*_parallel_batch.py for each batch of phenotypes, assuming parallelization to $maxi batches. A new cluster is spun up and a job submitted to each cluster using cloudtools. If using this script, please monitor the jobs and shut down each cluster when it completes.

Aggregating results (agg_ldsc.sh)

Downloads the results for each ldsc batch, combines them into a single file, uploads that file back to the cloud, and creates a local Rdata object for use in R markdown (see next). Descriptive information is also incorporated from the appropriate phenosummary files.
