Update R package when running DAS_Tool module OR update DAS_module
JSBoey opened this issue · 4 comments
@DininduSenanayake Can you update the "pillar" R package?
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘ggplot2’ in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]):
namespace ‘pillar’ 1.4.2 is being loaded, but >= 1.4.3 is required
Execution halted
@JSBoey Can I update DAS_Tools version to it's latest 1.1.5 ?. If yes, I can do it with R/4.2.1-gimkl-2022a which has the latest versions of all those libraries
I think so. From the docs it does not look too different.
@JSBoey I have installed the latest versions of DAS_Tool. .( DAS_Tool/1.1.5-gimkl-2022a-R-4.2.1
Ran a test with sample_data which comes with the repo
$ module purge
$ module load DAS_Tool/1.1.5-gimkl-2022a-R-4.2.1
$ DAS_Tool -i sample_data/sample.human.gut_concoct_contigs2bin.tsv,\
sample_data/sample.human.gut_tetraESOM_contigs2bin.tsv \
-l concoct,maxbin,metabat,tetraESOM \
-c sample_data/sample.human.gut_contigs.fa \
-o sample_output_production/DASToolRun1
Warning: Output directory does not exist. Attempting to create: sample_output_production
DAS Tool 1.1.5
Analyzing assembly
Predicting genes
Annotating single copy genes using diamond
Dereplicating, aggregating, and scoring bins
$ ls sample_output_production/
DASToolRun1_DASTool_contig2bin.tsv DASToolRun1_proteins.faa.archaea.scg
DASToolRun1_DASTool.log DASToolRun1_proteins.faa.bacteria.scg
DASToolRun1_DASTool_summary.tsv DASToolRun1_proteins.faa.findSCG.b6
DASToolRun1_proteins.faa DASToolRun1_proteins.faa.scg.candidates.faa
DASToolRun1_proteins.faa.all.b6 DASToolRun1.seqlength
FYI. This version doesn't produce PDF outputs anymore as they have deprecated the function as per cmks/DAS_Tool#86
Thanks @DininduSenanayake. I also counter-checked the outputs from version 1.1.5 with those generated by Dave, the resulting bins were the same. I think this is all good now.