Display GeoTIFFs and soon other types of raster on your Leaflet Map
- 3
Error: Unknown compression method identifier: 50000
#151 opened by maphew - 0
Loading Webp compressed COG's using Leaflet : Error: Unknown compression method identifier: 50001
#152 opened by abdul-imran - 8
Display TIFF Files in React Application as LayerControl.BaseLayer TileLayer
#113 opened by LukeHayesss - 2
endering Performance CloudOptimizedGeotiff Band calculation ( Question rather than a feature request)
#142 opened by davidoesch - 5
get the tiff data of the current click?
#104 opened by wenhai03 - 4
- 4
- 2
How can you extract bands from a geotiff?
#144 opened by john-a-m - 0
Heavy memory usage on small CoG (Tiffs) files
#143 opened by cr3a7ure - 2
- 0
Get all visible pixels as array or data url
#140 opened by divyaaaaaa - 6
ALOS (30m) colors seem weirdly off
#126 opened by Pomax - 2
- 9
COG not projected correctly
#122 opened by brianloss - 1
Error - "Can not get band1 min/max, try to calculate min/max values, or setting domain"
#127 opened by staffordsmith83 - 1
Add more tests for polar geotiffs
#137 opened by DanielJDufour - 1
- 1
Update package.json script to work on any OS
#131 opened by Falke-Design - 1
Save Tile Stack
#136 opened by DanielJDufour - 2
- 1
Working with Multibandraster
#115 opened by Lorano98 - 1
COG skewed at lower zoom levels
#114 opened by Tommatheussen - 9
rawToRgb is not a function
#120 opened by m-mohr - 1
#123 opened by nebsar - 6
disable animation
#116 opened by shinnobi - 2
Overviews not showing properly for categorical map
#96 opened by glaroc - 0
#119 opened by nikkopante - 2
- 5
How large is too large?
#117 opened by efreethy - 11
Rollup build produces a runtime error
#109 opened by luka-mikec - 2
Error parsing georaster tiff file
#111 opened by mttucl - 2
- 1
How to read tif overviews?
#107 opened by PostholerCom - 1
Hidden caching behaviour
#110 opened by staffordsmith83 - 3
updateColors function
#106 opened by sammertime - 0
Reading of GDAL .vrt
#108 opened by PostholerCom - 7
- 5
"Module parsed failed" - Vue
#98 opened by Tishinator - 4
#99 opened by pinky2070500 - 5
- 1
Black region shown when loading GeoTiff
#101 opened by lliendo - 1
Use georaster in react-leaflet?
#102 opened by staffordsmith83 - 0
NuxtJS: error in library
#97 opened by xayrullo - 1
- 0
Packaging and distribution
#93 opened by rowanwins - 5
ScriptTagError: Tif map is not working
#92 opened by AdrianaRidas - 14
Support YCbCr
#88 opened by DanielJDufour - 0
- 0
Scale multi-band pixel values in getColor
#90 opened by DanielJDufour - 0