
This is the submission code for Mobile Manipulation Challenge 2018 conducted as a part of IROS 2018

Primary LanguageC++

Instructions to run the Tiago Librarian demo simulation

Software Framework

  1. ROS Kinetic
  2. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Note: Assuming all the TIAGo packages are set on your computer

Challenge Packages

  1. From the repository, copy following packages to the ROS workspace and do catkin build

Use-case 1: Delivering book to a table

Starting the simulation with MoveIt! and ROS navigation stack

$ roslaunch mob_manip_challenge_2018 mob_manip_2018_bringup_all.launch

Starting the grasping pipeline

$ roslaunch mob_manip_challenge_2018 pick_place_bringup.launch

Starting the demo execution node

$ rosrun mob_manip_challenge_2018 library_robot_bringup.py

Use-case 2: Guiding student to the shelf

Starting the simulation with MoveIt! and ROS navigation stack

$ roslaunch mob_manip_challenge_2018 mob_manip_2018_bringup_all.launch

Start rqt to start GUI, Load the Mob manip GUI from Plugins->Mob_Manip_GUI

Now you can select a book and robot will guide you

Demo Video