A simple User Interface library for the Löve2D engine. No mouse needed - just keyboard controlled.
Update: Mouse control is now optionally available, by calling ui:mousemoved( love.mouse.getPosition() ) once a frame and ui:mousepressed(x, y, button) inside the love.mousepressed event.
- no mouse needed
- resizes content to panel size automatically
- multiline input box, including password functionality.
- add actions which are assigned to keys (keys are displayed next to action name)
- (todo!) tooltip if you press shift + function key
- message boxes, with header, text and multiple possible answers
- word wrap
- multi-colour text boxes
- drop-down menus
Example is included in 'main.lua'. Install Love2D, go to the folder and run:
love .
Released under the MIT license, see "License.txt".
- This library uses Kikito's awesome middleclass library.