
A simple implementation of a C to RiscV compiler

Primary LanguageC


University project whose porpouse is to create a compiler which takes C snippets and translate them to assembly

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the project is to create a compiler which translates C language snippets into assembly (RISC-V) language code. The C microbenchmarks are taken from the past exams exercises of the course "Computer Architecture" held at the Universtity of Siena at the computer engineering department.

First Step

Understanding Flex/Lex

As stated in the "Compiler Construction using Flex and Bison" by Anthony A. Bay:

Lex and Flex are tools for generating scanners: programs which recognize lexical patterns in text. Flex is a faster version of Lex.

Lets start with and example to understand better the syntax of Flex.

We want to build a "hello Counter", a program wich counts the repetitions of "hello" in a text file as input.

Create a text file with the .l extension

Flex has this type of syntax





Recognized_patter   Action


// C code

Definitions are the variables to declare or costants. Recognized_pattern are the characters we want to be recognized by Flex. They will correspond to an action. Action Action which corresponds to a recognized pattern.

Regarding our examples, we want to count the number of "hello" and the number of lines in a given text, so we would type


int num_lines=0,num_hello=0;


After that, it is time to write the patterns and the corresponding actions


"hello"   ++num_hello;

"\n"      ++num_lines;

.       ;


For every hello increment num_hello ++num_hello For every line feed \n increment num_lines ++num_lines For every other character . do nothing ;

Now it is time to write the main.

We will call the yylex() function

Lex generates a file containing the function yylex() which returns an integer denoting the token recognized.


printf("The number of hellos is = %d\n The number of lines is= %d\n",num_hello,num_lines);


So the actual code would look like this:


int num_lines=0,num_hello=0;


"hello"   ++num_hello;

"\n"      ++num_lines;

.       ;



printf("The number of hellos is = %d\n The number of lines is= %d\n",num_hello,num_lines);


As an example we could use the below input-text.

hello, I am Marco, how are you?
hello Marco, I am Giovanni, I am good.
hello, I am Antonio.
I am Andrea.
Why didn't you say hello Andrea?

Compile it:

flex hello_counter.l gcc lex.yy.c -ll ./a.out < hello-text

Output: The number of hellos is = 4 The number of lines is= 5