
Primary LanguageCuda


GSWORD is a GPU framework for subgraph counting problem. It provides RW estimators to estimate the number of subgraphs for a data graph which are isomorphic with a given query graph.


Code for "gSWORD: GPU-accelerated Sampling for Subgraph Counting"



  • CMake >= 2.8
  • CUDA environment

Compilation is done within the / (root) directory with CMake. Please make sure you have installed CMake software compilation tool. Configure cmakelist.txt appropriately before you start compile. To compile, please create a build directory then simple run:

$ cd ./build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Running Code in GSWORD

Running code is done within the build/ directory. Use "./build/gsword -d DataGraph -q QueryGraph -m method -s NumberOfQueryVetice" to estimate the count of QueryGraph in DataGraph.

Method code Description
LFTJ 0 Exact count by enumeration
WJ 1 GPU WJ (O0)
COWJ 3 WJ with inheritance (O1)
COAL 4 AL with inheritance (O1)
RSAL 5 AL with Warp streaming (O2)
HYBWJ 6 WJ with CPU-GPU co-processing
HYBAL 7 AL with CPU-GPU co-processing
WJ_nocand 8 WJ without candidate graph
AL_nocand 9 AL without candidate graph

Method 0 is a graph enumeration algorithm that generate real count for the query. Method 1 and 2 are the methods with no optimizations. Method 3 and 4 are methods that deployed inheritances optimization (O1). Method 5 is deployed with warp streaming optimization (O2). Method 6 and 7 are our final solution with CPU-GPU co-processing optimations.

Methods 6, 7 are used for the efficiency evaluation in Section 6.2. Methods 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 are used in the evaluation of GPU-Centric Optimizations in Section 6.3. Methods 6, 7 are used in the evaluation of GPU-CPU co-processing in Section 6.5. Methods 8, 9 are used in the evaluation of candidate graph in Appendix.

We also provide more advanced arguments for experienced users. -t NumberOfSamples, -c NumberOfThreads, -e MatchOrder

MatchOrder code Description
QSI 0 the ordering method of QuickSI
GQL 1 the ordering method of GraphQL
TSO 2 the ordering method of TurboIso
CFL 3 the ordering method of CFL
DPi 4 the ordering method of DP-iso
CECI 5 the ordering method of CECI
RI 6 the ordering method of RI
VF2 7 the ordering method of VF2++
GCare 8 the ordering method of GCare


$ ./gsword -d datagraph.graph -q query.graph -m 1 -s 16
./gsword -d datagraph.graph -q query.graph -m 1 -s 16 -t 128000 -c 5120 -e 6

GPU-CPU cooperate in GSWORD


We also support GPU-CPU cooperate executing mode for cases where existing RW estimators have severe underestimate issues. When enable GPU-CPU cooperate methods, you can provide more arguments: -i "MaxNumberOfSamplesForEnumeration" -h "NumberOfBatches". We provide a toy datagraph with 3112 vertices and 12519 edges in the build/ directory. Please run the shell in example.sh and have a try.

Input Format for GSWORD

Graph starts with 't VertexNum EdgeNum' where VertexNum is the number of vertices and EdgeNum is the number of edges. Each vertex is represented as 'v VertexID LabelId Degree' and 'e VertexId VertexId' for edges. We give an input example in the following.

t 5 6
v 0 0 2
v 1 1 3
v 2 2 3
v 3 1 2
v 4 2 2
e 0 1
e 0 2
e 1 2
e 1 3
e 2 4
e 3 4

Output File Format for GSWORD

The configuration information and results are showcased in the console during execution. Additionally, We also output the results into a file named "output.txt" by default. Each query corresponds to one line of the file. To get the Q-error please run enumeration (Method 0) to get the real subgraph count and compare the "estimatefromRW" with the real count. "GPUErrorDetection" flag indicates whether the GPU is functioning properly. If there is no GPU error, the flag is 1, otherwise 0.

datagraph querygraph querysize numberofsamplesPerkernel numberofsamplesperblock numberofsamplesperwarp numberofBatches(only for co-processing) candidateBuildingTime samplingCost enumerationCount estimatefromRW GPUErrorDetection
OutputTerm Description
datagraph/querygraph The file name of data graph or query graph
querysize The number of nodes of the query
numberofsamplesPerkernel The number of samples are assigns to one kernel
numberofsamplesperblock The number of samples are assigns to one block
numberofsamplesPerwarp The number of samples are assigns to one warp
numberofBatches Batch numbers used in co-processing approaches
candidateBuildingTime The cost of building candidate graph
samplingCost The cost of GPU sampling
enumerationCount The real count of CPU enumeration
estimatefromRW The estimated count of RW estimator
GPUErrorDetection The flag of GPU runtime error

Datasets and Baselines

We have updated four of the datasets (dblp, yeast, hprd, wordnet) and their corresponding queries utilized in the paper, and they can now be accessed in the "dataset/datasets.zip". Due to the large space of the datasets, we do not upload the rest datasets to the repo. However, we will provide Google Drive links for downloading these datasets upon publication. One can find the two baseline implementations, gcare and nextDoor by clicking the provided links.

How to cite

Please cite our paper, if you use our source code. Chang Ye,Yunchen Li, Shixuan Sun and Wentian Guo. 2024. gSWORD: GPU-accelerated Sampling for Subgraph Counting. PACMMOD 2, 1 (2024), 33–59.