
A work in progress on API for all upcoming OpenHentai projects

Primary LanguageC#GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A work in progress on API for all upcoming OpenHentai projects (if I'll write at least one until it's working lol)

These incliudes:

  • DoujinDownloader -- will be renamed to something like DoujinRepoOrganizer, using the same API and stanards; download functions will be removed, but a downloaders-compatible .txt/.json output will still be available
  • WaisetsuToshokan -- an analogue of famous MyAnimeList, but for doujins and NSFW stuff. Read more about the plans/resoning inside the corresponding repo



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On Github: GitHub all releases

OpenHentai: Nuget

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GitHub Releases: Release

NuGet: NuGet


Build.props are not yet supported by snyk


Feel free to contribute. Right now the main tasks are following:

  • Complete tagging enum: see OpenHentai.Tags.TagCategory and OpenHentai.Tags.Tag classes, descriptions
  • Test and polish database-related stuff (OpenHentai library)
  • Test and polish API (OpenHentai.WebAPI project)
  • Improve tests coverage

After these are complete, new tasks will appear (e.g. searching through db, improving ci/cd and repo stuff, etc). After above tasks are done, we can start working on client app (WaisetsuToshokan) little by little and the first preview version of libraries can be pushed to nuget