
Node graph editor framework focused on data processing using Unity UIElements and C# 4.6

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Node graph editor framework focused on data processing using Unity UIElements and C# 4.7

Unity Compatible versions

This project requires at least Unity 2018.3b3 with a scripting runtime version of 4.x in player settings.
The current Unity version used for the project is 2018.3b11


There are two ways to install this asset: you can use the Unity package manager or move the entire repo inside your Assets folder.
To install using the package manager:

  • download this repo
  • inside the package manager click the '+' button at the bottom to add a package from disk
  • then select the package.json file located in Assets/NodeGraphProcessor
  • package is installed :)

Note that you'll not have access to the examples provided in this repo because the package only include the core of NodeGraphProcessor.


  • Node and Graph property serialization (as json)
  • Scriptable Object to store graph as a Unity asset.
  • Highly customizable and simple node and links API
  • Support multi-input into a container (multiple float into a list of float for example)
  • Graph processor which execute node's logic with a dependency order
  • Powerful C# API to add new nodes / graphs

Remaining to do

  • Investigate for ECS/Jobs integration
  • More examples
  • Node slots for default values
  • Fast node creation menu

For more details consult our trello.
