Libraries and tools for interoperability between Hadoop-related open-source software and Google Cloud Platform.
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Can't run GRPC on dataproc due to error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/opentelemetry/api/OpenTelemetry
#1269 opened by surjikal - 1
Allow different GCP credentials for reading and writing in the same Spark Session
#1249 opened by sid-habu - 1
Could not read CSV files
#1259 opened by MhdMousaHAMAD - 2
Issue with cached credentials when attempting to use different keyfiles in the same Spark App
#1009 opened by josecsotomorales - 0
#1245 opened by AngusDavis - 1
Could not initialize class
#1233 opened by lvijnck - 0
GCS connector throws rate limit errors
#1231 opened by krisnaru - 0
gcs-connector- CVE
#1221 opened by sdkaarush - 0
hadoop3-2.2.22 and hadoop3-2.2.23 throws NoSuchMethodError at ServiceOptions.getService
#1206 opened by ebyhr - 1
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BQ storage libray blocked on update to grpc v1.56
#1020 opened by singhravidutt - 2
Conversion from InputStream -> ByteBuffer on gRPC writes creates many byte[] allocations.
#1123 opened by frankyn - 0
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gcs-connector-3.0.0-shaded CVEs
#1114 opened by wendigo - 7
gcs-connector:3.0.0 failing due to certificate when accessing to GCS from Github runner with WIF configuration
#1106 opened by elvin-sadigov-db - 2
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globStatus should prioritize server-side filtering over listing all files and performing local matches
#1122 opened by evgeniy-b - 5
gcs-connector 3.0 not working with pyspark
#1099 opened by GergelyKalmar - 0
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GhfsStorageStatistics cannot be cast ERROR
#1052 opened by SurajAralihalli - 1
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GCS Connector fails with StackOverflowError during accessing hadoop credentials
#1039 opened by daichi-m - 0
how to transfer file from local to gcs bucket using dataproc hadoop in intellij
#1031 opened by bhanuprasad1 - 0
flumk sink hdfs to gcs, all gcs write thread blocked
#1029 opened by Maplejw - 0
Memory issues while running Apache Spark streaming applications on Google Dataproc cluster | OutOfMemoryError Java heap space
#1026 opened by Sujay39 - 0
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Test failures after HADOOP-18724
#1014 opened by mukund-thakur - 3
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Writing single file ended with ~9 GCS calls
#975 opened by kobi-lemberg - 1
We used a vulnerability scanning tool (SecBinaryCheck)to scan gcs-connector-hadoop3-2.2.6-shaded.jar and found high-risk security vulnerabilities. Is this an issue??
#960 opened by Huo662329 - 0
DirectPath have issues with CloudBuild
#956 opened by singhravidutt - 2
Unable to read data from public access bucket
#924 opened by nicojord - 1
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Reenable `GoogleCloudStorageGrpcIntegrationTest#testOpenLargeObject` test
#880 opened by arunkumarchacko - 1
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Can ServiceAccountJsonKeyFile be ignored when ServiceAccountPrivateKeyId is set?
#925 opened by jhsenjaliya - 4
Type `com/google/protobuf/GeneratedMessage$GeneratedExtension` (current frame, stack[1]) is not assignable to `com/google/protobuf/ExtensionLite`
#892 opened by sharan21 - 2
Custom implementation of AccessTokenProvider doesn't work according to 2.2.10 documentation.
#926 opened by akalotkin - 3
Connectors hadoop3-2.2.8+ are incompatible with latest version of spark-sql (3.3.1)
#912 opened by bsenyshyn - 1
Support for Application Default Credentials
#915 opened by mremdeC - 0
CSEK support for per bucket/object level
#913 opened by giftbowen - 0
Hadoop FileSystem delete method returns false even though file is actually deleted
#909 opened by selimelawwa - 1
Performance degradation when upgrading 3-2.2.8
#891 opened by selimelawwa - 0
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Integration test flakiness
#834 opened by singhravidutt - 2
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