- 0
[QUESTION] How to use with GitHub Apps?
#163 opened by LarryBarker - 4
`Package php-http/message-factory is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use psr/http-factory instead` message on installation
#157 opened by binaryfire - 1
PHPStan error: Call to an undefined static method
#161 opened by apasov - 1
Support for symfony/cache:^7.0
#156 opened by webard - 1
Support Laravel 11
#159 opened by apasov - 5
Private Repos
#124 opened by InQbate - 14
'Expiration time' claim ('exp') must be a numeric value representing the future time at which the assertion expires
#135 opened by matthewnessworthy - 3
- 2
Support github-api 3.9.*
#147 opened by iBotPeaches - 2
Laravel 10 Update
#149 opened by Elliot-putt - 1
Projects V2 API
#146 opened by SrPeterr - 1
How to switch connection at runtime and assign a new connection when the rate limit has been exceeded.
#139 opened by lyricxmint - 1
Facades doen't get Docblocks for ide-helper
#144 opened by Slubby - 4
Composer error
#142 opened by gizburdt - 7
guzzlehttp/guzzle:^7.2 install issue with this
#136 opened by emtiazzahid - 0
Fork needed
#133 opened by anubhav217 - 0
#134 opened by anubhav217 - 1
Dynamic Connections?
#130 opened by ahinkle - 3
Behavior change in version 4.0 of `lcobucci/jwt` causing `private` authentication failure.
#128 opened by JingBh - 9
Error authenticating as GitHub application - 'Expiration time' claim ('exp') is too far in the future
#126 opened by jonmilsom - 3
Unable to add to new laravel project
#121 opened by Fuitad - 1
How do I get all the repositories of a single user?
#118 opened by Rainieren - 3
Readme installation fails on laravel 8
#117 opened by hedii - 3
- 5
- 2
GitHub application fails to authenticate.
#109 opened by H1X4Dev - 1
Code usage to merge a PR
#108 opened by softower - 0
Code usage to merge a PR
#107 opened by softower - 6
GitHub depreciating OAuth via query string
#103 opened by judge2020 - 4
- 5
JWT Token Generation
#98 opened by ellisio - 1
2FA question
#94 opened by yaroslavmo - 2
Dynamic connections
#91 opened by saeedvz - 2
Guzzle6 FatalThrowableError
#87 opened by vhanla - 4
Laravel 5.8 Version
#86 opened by AdrianHL - 3
Unable to use in Laravel Horizon
#85 opened by lukecurtis93 - 1
How to use app authentication?
#84 opened by Sh1d0w - 5
Unable to install on Laravel 5.7
#81 opened by Stichoza - 1
- 3
Cannot set Page or PerPage in api call
#79 opened by davemg3 - 1
Support for Events/Activity
#77 opened by Elycin - 0
- 2
Laravel 5.6 Support
#71 opened by irazasyed - 5
- 1
2.7 support
#70 opened by GrahamCampbell - 1
- 4
Error on Laravel 5.5 install
#65 opened by joshbruce - 1
Error when using facade mocking
#63 opened by m1guelpf - 1
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Allow the max cache lifetime to be set
#59 opened by GrahamCampbell