- 7
patch time sync plugin to handle stack too deep errors
#993 opened by zanete - 2
Manifest for IF
#961 opened by zanete - 6
time series arithmetic between the different elements
#994 opened by zanete - 0
Manifest for the GSF website
#980 opened by zanete - 1
Update landing page design
#1001 opened by zanete - 6
Implement a Community page
#997 opened by zanete - 1
Include a Pipelines menu item
#985 opened by zanete - 0
Restructure existing pipelines to match the template
#987 opened by zanete - 0
Create a new page for the quick-start
#983 opened by zanete - 0
Annotated screenshots for the landing page
#1000 opened by zanete - 0
Prepare Landing page copy
#1002 opened by zanete - 5
- 1
- 4
Implement manifest Visualiser
#981 opened by zanete - 1
Create the pipeline template
#986 opened by zanete - 0
Epic - Docs and Tutorials
#950 opened by zanete - 0
Epic - Sample Manifests
#949 opened by zanete - 0
Epic - Manifest Visualiser
#951 opened by zanete - 2
Incapsulate map config, input and output functions in if-core validator
#989 opened by narekhovhannisyan - 2
Design manifest visualizer
#954 opened by zanete - 0
Application form to become a watcher
#959 opened by zanete - 11
Enable locally runnable visualiser
#982 opened by zanete - 1
Rework `explain` feature
#971 opened by jmcook1186 - 0
Update failing manifests
#976 opened by zanete - 2
Redesign sci-embodied builtin
#917 opened by jmcook1186 - 1
reconfigure manifest data into time series
#992 opened by zanete - 2
Fix clean script in if-core's package json
#988 opened by narekhovhannisyan - 3
Add Copy to aggregation methods
#977 opened by zanete - 1
Add mapping feature to the EcoCI and GH plugins
#975 opened by zanete - 0
Produce quick start walk-through video for IF
#984 opened by zanete - 0
Impact Framework Project Updates 2024-08-22
#979 opened by jmcook1186 - 1
- 1
Make mapping feature work on outputs
#972 opened by jmcook1186 - 0
Release github and EcoCI plugins as npm packages
#965 opened by jmcook1186 - 3
Make "inline" arithmetic work in manifests
#970 opened by jmcook1186 - 0
Improve `debug` mode
#968 opened by manushak - 0
`copy-param` only works when values are strings
#964 opened by jmcook1186 - 4
Create a sample manifest for visualizer development
#953 opened by zanete - 5
Error: pipelineCopy.shift is not a function
#922 opened by u31120408 - 0
add 'max', 'min', 'median' as aggregation methods
#918 opened by jmcook1186 - 0
Identify a list of OS projects for writing manifests
#960 opened by zanete - 4
solution for if-alias for shortcutting pipelines
#924 opened by zanete - 1
Onboard Osama on the IF project and manifest structure
#952 opened by zanete - 0
Milestone 3: IF Watchers - 15th Sep
#948 opened by zanete - 0
- 1
Refine time-sync config logic
#939 opened by jmcook1186 - 0
Fix aggregation config
#941 opened by jmcook1186 - 0
Not relevant error message appears when `regroup` is not provided with parameters in an array
#938 opened by manushak - 0
- 0
Impact Framework Project Updates 2024-07-24
#920 opened by jmcook1186