stack size error limit
mamyAndrianteranagna opened this issue · 11 comments
Dear Gregory,
I'm trying to launch too-many-cells on my datasets when I get the following error:
Language.R.Interpreter: Cannot increase stack size limit.Try increasing your stack size limit manually:$ ulimit -s unlimited
too-many-cells: setResourceLimit: permission denied (Operation not permitted)
I do not have the right to change myself the stack limit size (I'm working on a remote server and the system admin does not want to change it too since it requires a reboot of all the system).
It would be helpfull for me if I can launch the tool without having to change this stack size limit.
Best regards,
Mamy Andrianteranagna
When does this happen? What OS? Docker or not?
The OS is CentOS (server).
The docker image have been converted into singularity image (I have not the permission to launch docker) and I run the command like this:
"singularity run too-many-cells_20.2.2.0.simg make-tree ..."
(singularity run too-many-cells_20.2.2.0.simg make-tree -h works)
Thanks a lot for your help.
Singularity seems to have a lot of permission issues when people are converting the docker...
Are you able to run ulimit -s unlimited
at the command line? Can you run it in the singularity container?
I'm not allowed to run ulimit -s unlimited because of permission restriction.
If the issue is due to the conversion, could you please create yourself a singularity image of the tool? Is this possible for you?
I think this can be helpfull for people who cannot run docker.
You can't run ulimit in the container? I don't know what the issue is with singularity, but it might be more complicated than the conversion. Did you try the nix version as you are using linux?
The problem is that I launch the job on the server (I cannot launch it locally because of memory limitation) and I can't be root on the server.
Nix does not require root after the initial installation (just like singularity). Did you try increasing ulimit in the container?
Also, what version of singularity are you using? Might be related: apptainer/singularity#4701
Dear Gregory,
Sorry for my late response (I was on hollyday).
As you suggested, I will ask our system manager to install nix in the server and use it instead of singularity.
I will let you know.
Thanks a lot for your help.
PS: For information, I was using singularity version 3.5.2 which is the only one installed in our system.
Thanks for the update! We'll see how it goes...
As I cannot reproduce, I am closing this issue. Please let me know if it persists.