Transmission lines' data

amnsrhn opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello every one,

I am new to bulk power system reliability analysis, so I would like to know the following points:

  1. In transmission lines' data, what are the difference between Outage rate and FOR in file of generators.
  2. Are Mean outage duration and MTTR same or different?

Thank you


  1. The outage rate represents the number of failures/year; it is not a probability.
    FOR (Forced outage rate) represents the probability of the failure of the generating unit. The term "rate" in FOR can be misleading but it's used for historical purposes.

  2. Yes, mean outage duration and MTTR are the same.

Thank you so much

Dear Osama Ansari,

Do you know the differences between Perm OutRate and Tran OutRate?

Thank you so much