Qualisys motion capture systems can be integrated to your Robot Operating System (ROS) projects with ease to provide high-speed, precision position tracking. This repository contains a collection of resources for developing ROS projects and related applications that interact with QTM.
- https://github.com/KTH-SML/motion_capture_system
- https://github.com/jgoppert/qualisys_ros
- https://github.com/omwdunkley/Qualisys2Ros
- https://github.com/KumarRobotics/qualisys
- https://github.com/MOCAP4ROS2-Project/mocap4ros2_qualisys
- Developer's Guide for software from Coordination of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles
- External Robot Localization in 6DoF
- Object and human tracking, and robot control through a load sensing floor
- Hybrid Control of Multi-robot Systems under Complex Temporal Tasks
- Multiagent cooperative coverage control
Also see Applications in Engineering on the Qualisys website for product details, reference users, customer stories, application examples, and more.