
Spline modelling made easy.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



This repository contains the Splipy packages. Splipy is a pure python library for the creation, evaluation and manipulation of B-spline and NURBS geometries. It supports n-variate splines of any dimension, but emphasis is made on the use of curves, surfaces and volumes. The library is designed primarily for analysis use, and therefore allows fine-grained control over many aspects which is not possible to achieve with conventional CAD tools.

Installation ---------The library is packaged on splipy and can be installed through pip by simply running :

pip install splipy


Development and building from source


This library requires numpy and scipy. For building, cython is also

required. E.g. on Ubuntu:

pip install numpy

pip install scipy

pip install cython


To use image processing tools, you need OpenCV :

pip install python-opencv

To generate the documentation you will need Sphinx:

pip install sphinx

And to run the tests you can use your favourite test runner, for example


pip install pytest pytest-benchmark pytest-cov


To install, use:

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

python setup.py install

To generate a package, use:

python setup.py sdist --dist-dir .


To generate the documentation, run in the doc folder:

make html

To push generated docs online on the gh-pages branch, run the helper script:

python push_documentation.py [remote]

where remote is the name of the remote to push to. If not given, it will be asked.


To run the tests, you can use your favourite test runner. For example, with


PYTHONPATH=. py.test --benchmark-skip

To get a report of test coverage, run:

PYTHONPATH=. py.test --benchmark-skip --cov=splipy --cov-report term-missing

Code analysis
You can use pylint3 to perform static code analysis on the module.

This can help identify bugs and give suggestions for improvements.

To install, use:

pip3 install pylint

To perform the code analysis, use:

pylint -d C --rcfile=pylint.cfg splipy/


To make a new release, it is recommended to install `bumpversion

<https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bumpversion>`_. To make a new release, run:

bumpversion <type>

where type is one of patch, minor or major. This will up the version

number, create a commit and a tag. To push this to github, use:

git push --tags

After that, Travis CI should automatically build and deploy the
packages to PyPi. It would be helpful to monitor the Travis build so
that errors can be fixed quickly. See the `list of builds



If you use Splipy in your work, please consider citing K. A. Johannessen and E. Fonn 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1669 012032.